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MEDS 371, Systems Neuroscience Peripheral Somatosensory System

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1 MEDS 371, Systems Neuroscience Peripheral Somatosensory System
Dr. D. O. Kim

2 Reading: Purves et al. Chapter 9

3 - identity of stimulus ("what")
Sensory neurons encode the following attributes. - modality of stimulus - location of stimulus ("where") - identity of stimulus ("what") pattern (texture); intensity; timing;

4 receptive field: a part of sensory space where
application of a stimulus leads to excitation (or inhibition) of a sensory neuron


6 The resolution of neural encoding
depends upon: (1) receptive field size (2) innervation density (neurons/cm2)

7 receptive fields DRG Kandel 2000

8 neuro4e-fig jpg Purves Fig 9-3

9 From Darian-Smith, 1984

10 neuro4e-fig jpg Purves Fig 9-3

11 neuro4e-fig jpg Purves Fig 9-5

12 Purves Table 9.2


14 Kandel 2000



17 Braille patterns SA RA Pacinian

18 proprioceptors of limbs & trunk: muscle receptors: muscle spindle
Golgi tendon organ joint capsule receptor proprior system of the head & neck: vestibular system muscle receptors of the neck



21 neuro4e-fig jpg Purves Fig 9-7a

22 spinal cord dorsal spino- column thalamic tract Purves Fig 9-1
neuro4e-fig jpg Purves Fig 9-1

23 neuro4e-table jpg Purves Table 9-1

24 - identity of stimulus ("what")
Sensory neurons encode the following attributes. - modality of stimulus - location of stimulus ("where") - identity of stimulus ("what") pattern (texture); intensity; timing;

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