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Section A 1a~ Grammar Focus). What did you do on your last school trip? went to the beach had ice cream … Make a list: 1a.

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Presentation on theme: "Section A 1a~ Grammar Focus). What did you do on your last school trip? went to the beach had ice cream … Make a list: 1a."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section A 1a~ Grammar Focus)

2 What did you do on your last school trip? went to the beach had ice cream … Make a list: 1a

3 aquarium seal sharksouvenir

4 gift hang out (hung) autograph win a prize (won)

5 What did Tina do on her school trip? went to the aquariumwent to the zoo saw some sharks saw some seals

6 took photos hung out with her friends bought a souvenir had a hamburger

7 Words and expressions n. 1.went to the aquarium 2.shark n. 2.took photos 3.aquarium n. 3.saw some sharks 4.seal n. 4.saw some seals 5.hang v. 5.had a hamburger 6.hang out 6.bought a souvenir 7.souvenir n. 7. went to the zoo v. 8.ate some ice cream 9.autograph n. 9.hung out with her friends 10.prize n.

8 H. went to the aquarium F. went to the zoo D. saw some sharks B. saw some seals E. took photos A. hung out with her friends G. bought a souvenir C. had a hamburger 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

9 A : Did you go to the aquarium? A: Were there any seals? No, I didnt. No, there werent. A: Did you …? B: Yes,.../No, … A: Were there …? B: Yes,.../No, … B : Yes, I did. B: Yes, there were.

10 A: Did you …? B: Yes, … No, … A: Were there …? B: Yes, … No, …

11 What did Tina do on her school trip? Listen and circle the expressions in the box. went to the aquarium took photos went to the zoo had a hamburger ate some ice cream hung out with her friends saw some seals bought some souvenirs saw some sharks 1b

12 Listen and check () the questions you hear. _____Did you buy that hat? _____What else did you do? _____Did you see any sharks? _____Did you win that hat? _____Did you get his autograph? _____Were there any seals? _____Did you take any photos? 2a

13 Listen again and circle T (for true) or F (for false). 2b 1.Tina met a famous actor. 2.Tina got Jake Deans autograph. 3.Toby won a prize. 4.Tina won a hat. 5.There were many actors at the aquarium. T F

14 Kevin: So, Tina, what else did you do? Tina: You wont believe it, but I met Jake Dean! Kevin: Jake Dean? The famous actor? You really met him? Tina: Yes! He was making a movie at the aquarium. Kevin: Wow! Did you_______________? Tina: No, I didnt. Laura did. But I____________! Here it is. Kevin: Wow! Were there other actors there? Tina: No, we only saw Jake. Look, heres Toby. He__________ in the_________. Kevin: Did you win that hat? Tina: _________. I bought it! get his autograph took his photo won a prizeGift Shop No, I didnt

15 Look at the information in 2b. Ask and answer questions. 2c NameWhat to do Tina met Jake Dean got Jake Deans autograph took his photo won a prize bought a hat A: Did Tina meet a famous actor? B: Yes, she did. She met Jake Dean. A: …? B: …

16 Li Lei went to the zoo last Sunday. He saw some monkeys and pandas. His school trip was excited. NameWhere When WhatHow Li Leiwent to the zooLast SundayMonkeys/ pandas excited Kate………… ……………

17 Grammar Focus Did you go to the zoo?No, I didnt. I went to the aquarium. Did you see any seals?Yes, I saw some seals. Were there any sharks?No, there werent any sharks.

18 1.A: Did you …? B: Yes, I did. No, I didnt. 2.A: Were there …? B: Yes, there were. No, there werent.

19 1.Tina took photos in her school trip. ( _____ ___ Tina ___ in her school trip? 2. My school trip was fantastic. ( ______ _____your school trip? 3. I went to the zoo last Sunday.( _____you___ to the zoo last Sunday? 4.There were some sharks in the aquarium.( There _______ _____sharks in the aquarium. 5.Did you see any seals?( Yes, ___ ____. Whatdiddo Howwas go werentany Idid Did

20 1.Do exercises in Tongbu P 55. P 56. 2. Preview( 3a-4.


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