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SolTherm - CEN EPBD standards based simulation model -

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1 SolTherm - CEN EPBD standards based simulation model -
Gerard van Amerongen SCF: 6C14.1 – Other model October 2017

2 Introduction Soltherm software: combi of both CEN EPBD standards
EN , M3 (hourly) EN (hourly) Soltherm software: combi of both CEN EPBD standards Open source simulation model Input parameters (major part) from Solar Keymark datasheets Collector, tank and controller Less detailed than scientific model, more detailed than Fchart method Fchart: EN , M2 (monthly) SCF project: develop software and validate

3 The model Commonly applied solar thermal system layout
Water & space heating Backup heating, but not (yet) the backup heater

4 The SolTherm software The MsWindows application is available for evaluation purposes only You can develop your own user interface and connect to the model (.DLL). All Microsoft (alike) development surroundings and more C++, VB, Excel…. PS Fully functional for water heaters Combi systems need an update for the definition of backup heater control The Wurzburg, Athens and Stockholm climates are not yet according to DST testing

5 Inputs for the model: Additional inputs:
Data from collector Solar Keymark datasheet Asolmod ηo a1 a2 IAM mcol Data from tank Solar Keymark datasheet Height Vsto Hsto Hsto;exch Connections to tank Data from controller Solar Keymark datasheet Thermostat settings Additional inputs: Backup heater(s): Output power, control settings Pump and control: power consumption Collector loop: number of collectors and heat loss rate Location of tank and collector loop

6 Validation 8 systems, different load sequences, validated against TRNSYS (ITW) 2 types of water heaters and 3 types of combi heaters Solar water heaters: according to ErP references Combi heaters: ITW supplied climate and load sequences Validated for annual heat contribution backup heater (=Qbu) Relative deviation (Qbu,SolTherm – Qbu,TRNSYS)/Qload Water heaters: Qload = load sequence for water heating Combi heaters: Qload = Total of water and space heating load

7 Validation results SolTherm (on average) higher solar thermal performance SolTherm accuracy within (assumed) accuracy TRNSYS Good correspondence for all validated system types Blue boxes group results of the same solar thermal system

8 Validation results - DST test result -
Based on full set of Solar Keymark datasheets (collector, tank, controller, systems) Preheater solar water heater Climate: Davos, heat demand 110 l/d -> 400 l/d One brand, different members of product family PS: Results for other climates will follow. Due to issues in the climate files not yet available

9 Options for application
Member states energy performance regulations Much better than the monthly method (=‘Fchart’) Potential for systems with solar contribution Hourly methods are included in EPBD standards for all types of heating devices EN Custom built solar thermal systems Include SolTherm as a requirement for a strong CEN standard reference EN Factory made solar water heaters Future use an alternative simulation model (instead of P-model) Define parameter set and link to parameter identification software Existing datasets could be used again Solar Keymark Strong reference to CEN standards ErP regulations Future application of the method

10 Conclusions EN 15316-4-3 hourly methods: base for dedicated software
Methods needs further development (discussed in TC228 WG4) SolTherm seems accurate enough for EPBD purposes and Solar Keymark certification Based on limited validation trials No validation for thermo syphon systems yet Further validation needed Should be applicable in DST testing (EN ) Further work needed First validation results: good

11 Proposals Try the software and experience its functionality
and share your experiences in the SolTherm forum Establishment of software management group Management of: ScenoCalc, SolTherm, foreseen SOLCAL tool, … Further validations, maintenance, new tools, … Allow for SolTherm in EN First phase: to complete the datasheets Next phases: following proposals ‘broadening the scope …’ SCF project Feasibility study: SolTherm in DST testing Select parameters and identification tool, validation existing datasets

12 For your attention

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