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Photo Courtesy of GPU International

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1 Photo Courtesy of GPU International
A view of the GPU International 80 MW natural gas fired plant adjacent to the Syracuse University campus in Syracuse NY Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

2 Components of a Vapor Power Plant
Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

3 Rankine Cycle Overall Performance: Turbine: Pump: Boiler:
Condenser (1 side): Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

4 Rankine Idealizations
Processes 1-2, 3-4: Isentropic Processes 2-3, 4-1: Isobaric Saturated liquid at State 3 Reversible Pump Work Equation: For Incompressible Fluids Only! Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

5 Principal Device Analysis:
Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

6 Principal Device Analysis:
Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

7 Cycle Performance Parameters
Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

8 Improving Cycle Performance
One key is in the pressures: Each method increases cycle thermal efficiency! Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

9 Example problem In a Rankine cycle the steam leaves the boiler and enters the turbine at 4MPa, 400C. The condenser pressure is 10 kPa. Determine the cycle efficiency and the effect of boiler pre and temp on cycle efficiency. p1=4000; {t1=400}; p2=10 { test the effect of boiler pre on efficiency and boiler temp on efficiency and exit quality} h1=enthalpy(steam,p=p1,t=t1) s1=entropy(steam,p=p1,t=t1) h2=enthalpy(steam,p=p2,s=s1); x2=quality(steam,p=p2,s=s1) h3=enthalpy(steam,p=p2,x=0) s3=entropy(steam,p=p2,x=0) h4=enthalpy(steam,p=p1,s=s3) wt=h1-h2 wp=h4-h3 eff=(wt-wp)/(h1-h4) Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

10 Improving Cycle Performance
Superheat and Reheat protect the turbine, and increase TH. Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

11 Example problem Take a reheat cycle utilizing steam. The turbine inlet is 4MPa, 400C and after expansion to 400kpa the steam is reheated to 400c again. Then the steam expands in a LP turbine to 10kpa. Determine the cycle efficiency. p1=4000; t1=400; p2=10 ; {pr=400 }; tr=400 { reheat cycle} h1=enthalpy(steam,p=p1,t=t1) s1=entropy(steam,p=p1,t=t1) h2=enthalpy(steam,p=pr,s=s1); x4=quality(steam,p=p2,s=s3) h3=enthalpy(steam,p=pr,t=tr) s3=entropy(steam,p=pr, t=tr) h4=enthalpy(steam,p=p2,s=s3) wt=h1-h2+h3-h4 h5=enthalpy(steam,p=p2, x=0) s5=entropy(steam,p=p2,x=0) h6=enthalpy(steam,p=p1,s=s5) wp=h6-h5 eff=(wt-wp)/q q=h1-h6+h3-h2 { reheat has lot of advantages, eff increases with reheat pressure, exit quality increases } Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

12 Improving Cycle Performance
Adding an Open Feedwater Heater (with pump). Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

13 Example problem on regneration
Consider the regenerative cycle using steam. Steam leaves boiler at 4000kpa, 400c. After Expansion to 400kpa some steam is bled off to an open heater at 400kpa. The rest of Steam is expanded to 10kpa in a condenser. The exit of the heater is at sat liq. Find the cycle eff. p1=4000; t1=400; p2=10 ; pr=400 h1=enthalpy(Steam,P=p1,T=t1) s1=entropy(Steam,P=p1,T=t1) h2=enthalpy(Steam,P=pr,s=s1); x4=quality(Steam,P=p2,s=s3) h3=enthalpy(Steam,P=p2, s=s1) s3=s1 h4=enthalpy(Steam,P=p2,x=0) wt=h1-h2+ (1-m1)*(h2-h3) h5=enthalpy(Steam,P=pr, s=s4); s4=entropy(Steam, P=p2, x=0) h7=enthalpy(Steam, P=p1, s=s6) h6=enthalpy(Steam,P=pr, x=0); s6=entropy(Steam, P=pr, x=0) h2*m1+(1-m1)*h5=h6 wp=(1-m1)*(h5-h4)+m1*(h7-h6) eff=(wt-wp)/q q=h1-h7 Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

14 Improving Cycle Performance
Adding a Closed Feedwater Heater. Copyright © John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

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