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CHAPTER 4, SECTION 2 – The National Government and the 50 States

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1 CHAPTER 4, SECTION 2 – The National Government and the 50 States
PAGES CHAPTER 4, SECTION 2 – The National Government and the 50 States

2 Political Cartoon Who is the tall man?
What is in the bag he is carrying? What does the short man represent? What message does the cartoon portray?

3 What does the Constitution Say?
USA is a UNION: the states came together to form ONE country Constitution guarantees that the national government (USA) will do certain things for the states (like Pennsylvania)

4 Obligations of the national government to the states – Write these down!!!
1. Guarantee to the states a republican (REPRESENTATIVE) form of government 2. National government protects states against Invasion and Internal Disorder (THREATS) 3. Federal government respects the boundaries (TERRITORY) of each state

5 #1 - REPRESENTATIVE form of government
Can the National Government prevent PA from having US Senators and members in the US House of Representatives? If the population of PA grows, what must happen to PA’s reps in the US House?

6 2. National government protects states against Invasion and Internal Disorder (Threats)
When Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, was attacked by Japan in 1941, what did the national government do? Following September 11, 2001, how did the US government respond? Should the military be used IN the USA? 1992 LA Riots over Rodney King verdict – US Marines deployed to bring order after 4 days of violence, looting, property damage.

7 3. Federal government RESPECTs the TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY of each state
Can the national government change the Pennsylvania border with Ohio or West Virginia? Why does PA extend to Lake Erie in the north west?

8 3. Federal government RESPECTs the TERRITORIAL INTEGRITY of each state

9 Co-operative federalism
MONEY – National government gives various types of grant money to the states for a variety of uses Other ways: FBI helps police Army/Air Force and the National Guard Census data with local governments Some state aid to federal government: Elections FBI with police  “two-way street”

10 Section Review What are the 3 obligations of the national government to the states? What are some examples of cooperative federalism?

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