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Projections (views) for IAMM

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1 Projections (views) for IAMM
Per-orbital view – (Occipito-Frontal) Towne’s view Stenverse projections – 450 PA obliques with beam angled 120 cephalad

2 Per-Orbital View - IAM True AP or PA
Central ray passes in midline along the Orbito-meatal plane Increase kV to penetrate the dense petrous part IAM

3 Towne’s - IAMM

4 Stenvers Projection - Petromastoid
Head rests on the forehead, nose and cheek IOML parallel to upper edge of bucky Midsagittal plane at 450 to the bucky Central ray, angled 120 cephalad, enters 7-10 cm posterior an 1.5 cm inferior to the EAM remote from film

5 Stenver’s projection Demonstrates Petrous ridge
Cellular structure of the mastoid process Mastoid antrum The area of the tympanic cavity Bony labyrinth Internal acoustic canal Cellular stucture of the petrous apex

6 Mastoids Fronto-Occipital 350 Lateral with 250 caudal beam angulation
Lateral with 150 facial and 150 caudal tube angulation (Modified Law’s projection)

7 Mastoids – Modified law’s
Head lateral IOML parallel to upper edge of cassette Rotate head towards face to bring mi sagittal plane is angled 150 Central ray, angled 150, caudad, enters 5cm posterior to and 5cm superior to EAM remote from film

8 Mastoids – Modified law’s
Criteria Mastoid process closest to Film, with air cells centered to film Opposite mastoid process lying inferior and slightly anterior Auricle of ear not superimposing TMJ visible anterior to mastoid

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