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Tool for GPs to use to support practice and safeguarding agenda

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1 Toolkits endorsed by the RCGP and that they are live documents and constantly being updated
Tool for GPs to use to support practice and safeguarding agenda Each tab opens up to provide more information



4 Safeguarding Adults at Risk of Harm Toolkit

5 Children's toolkit is in the same format as the safeguarding adults toolkit

6 Comprehensive toolkit of resources/ links information and support including looked after children
GPs to be aware that we are promoting as a toolkit as a resorce

7 Safeguarding Children Toolkit for GP practice

8 CCG Safeguarding Team:
November 18 CCG Safeguarding Team: (0113) Gill Marchant (Head of Safeguarding and Designated Nurse for Safeguarding Children and Adults) Dr Yen Anderson (Named GP) Belinda Sharratt (Deputy Designated Nurse Safeguarding children and adults/ MCA and DoLs Lead) Michelle Allsop (Named Nurse Safeguarding Children and Adults) Mary Kearney (Named Nurse Safeguarding Children and Adults) Gemma Day (Specialist Safeguarding Practitioner) Adult Social Care Contact Centre: Monday to Friday to hrs Emergency Duty Team: Children's Social Work Services: Duty & Advice Team: Out of Hours: The CCG safeguarding team can also be contacted to offer both safeguarding adult and children for advice and support November 18

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