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Introduction UEPA is … the European Union of Ethanol Producers

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1 Introduction UEPA is … the European Union of Ethanol Producers
a Brussels based organization created in 1959 gathering national associations and companies involved in agricultural ethanol production and originating from 14 countries amongst EU25 addressing the issues of the agro-ethanol industry at both EU and national levels, and actively co-operating towards the definition of appropriate solutions

2 Fuel specifications and promotion of biofuels :
the revision of Fuel specifications must be orientated in order to meet the Directive 2003/30 target, as this is clearly stated in whereas 13 : « …The Commission and standardisation bodies should monitor development and adapt and develop actively standards, particularly volatility aspects, so that new types of fuel can be introduced, whilst maintaining environmental performance requirements. »

3 gasoline ethanol isobutylene ethanol E.T.B.E.
Biocomponents for gasoline ethanol isobutylene ethanol E.T.B.E.  15% v/v  5% v/v gasoline

4 a significant but economically limited contribution to
ETBE : a significant but economically limited contribution to Directive 2003/30 targets

5 essentially for economical reasons ETBE production is unlikely
yearly estimated demand by 2010 in EU25 = 115 Mtons gasoline 5.75% ethanol e.c. => required tonnage of ETBE = 20 Mtons ETBE existing production capacities (ETBE + MTBE) = 5 Mtons ETBE essentially for economical reasons ETBE production is unlikely to increase fourfold by 2010 => direct blending of ethanol into gasoline has to be encouraged and supported by an adequate set of regulations

6 Conflicting regulations :
Directive 2003/30/EC Vs Directive 98/70/EC

7 5.75% energy content (ethanol) 3.4 % energy content (ethanol)
energy content vs Ethanol v/v Directive 2003/30/EC Directive 98/70/EC 5.75% energy content (ethanol) 3.4 % energy content (ethanol) 8.4 % v/v 5 % v/v maximum

8 5.75 % energy content (ethanol) 5 % energy content (ethanol)
energy content vs O2 m/m Directive 2003/30/EC Directive 98/70/EC 5.75 % energy content (ethanol) 5 % energy content (ethanol) 3.1 % O2 m/m 2.7 % O2 m/m

9 are the Directive 98/70/EC limits still relevant ?
are the backgrounds that have motivated these limits in the past still valid ? 5% EtOH : most restrictive limit worldwide technical limit for the automotive industry ? the Swedish situation 2.7% oxygen : vehicle technology and equipments have changed up to 3.7% were accepted at MS initiative

10 Volatility limits - Reid Vapour Pressure of gasoline + ethanol blends

11 What is the driving objective ?

12 A. a conservative approach of fuel quality ?
eventual revision of fuel specifications will not occur or will remain limited Directive 2003/30 EC targets have no chance to be achieved in the scheduled timeframe

13 B. the promotion of biofuels ?
1 : values of Directive 98/70/EC should be reconsidered for some parameters - ethanol blending limit, O2 limit - for standard fuel 2 : waivers should be granted on RVP limits for fuels containing biocomponents => all interested parties (oil industry, automotive industry, biofuels industry) will have to find the appropriate adaptations

14 website : Director General : Mrs Valérie Corre
UEPA avenue des Nerviens, 65/25 1040 Brussels - Belgium Tel: Fax: website : Director General : Mrs Valérie Corre

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