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PHLS 8334 Class 2 (Spring 2017).

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1 PHLS 8334 Class 2 (Spring 2017)

2 Research Process Self-Efficacy Contribute an original idea
What does that really mean…… Chapter p.106

3 Contribute to the Field
Replication with different population Test a model Examine moderators/mediators of known relations Address limitations of previous studies 3

4 Conceptualizing a Research Question
Three steps What do we know about the issue What we do not know about the issue. How will the study bridge the gap. Previous research questions lead to the question for my study

5 Testable Research Question
Asks a Question About …… That ………… 5

6 Testable Research Question
Asks a Question About the relation of two or more constructs (correlation/experimental) That can be measured in some way 6

7 How process unfolds: Describe research interests in general, broad terms. Identify testable research question(s) Identify the variables/constructs embedded in the question Provide conceptual definitions for variables. Provide operational definitions for variables How to assess/measure the construct Articulate a conceptual framework for proposed study

8 Experimental vs. Correlational Designs
Purpose Types if IVs and DVs (categorical/continuous) Inferences Types of Analyses

9 Types of Variables Categorical
Discrete groups: gender, diagnosis (depressed vs. not depressed) Continuous Ratio Scale (equal intervals) money, # of days, test score (0-100) Continuous Interval Likert Scales

10 Types of Research Questions
Descriptive Difference Correlational

11 Types of Research Questions
Descriptive- Describe what a phenomenon is like Collect/Categorize Information - Typically used in Surveys Requires large samples that are representative of the population of interest Do not involve generation of hypothesis No use of inferential statistics (no prediction involved)

12 Analyses: Descriptive
Collect/Categorize Information - Survey Means, SD Mean score in standardized test by age groups Mean score in opinion survey by gender groups Proportions of populations/groups Percentage of high school graduates who attend college, by ethnic group, Percentage of college students who graduate in 6 years or less, by gender

13 Are descriptive questions, testable research questions?
Yes -- No Why?

14 Types of Research Questions
Difference Compare Means Between – groups Descriptive vs. Hypothesis testing purpose Independent variable: categorical Experimental (manipulated) or Status (cannot be manipulated) Dependent Variable: continuous

15 Stat. Analyses: Difference
Compare means in continuous variables between two or more groups: t-test, ANOVA, MANCOVA- Experimental- IV is categorical and manipulated Stauts - IV is categorical and not manipulated The DV is always continuous

16 Difference Questions: descriptive vs. hypothesis testing
Difference questions for descriptive purpose do not require rational/hypothesis eg. Proportion of men and women who favor the republican vs. the democrat nominee Difference questions for hypothesis testing require rational for expected differences

17 Type of Question: College students must make decisions about majors that will lead to careers in a relatively distant future. Therefore, the career making process may involve a great deal of ambiguity. Anxiety has been positively associated to perceptions of ambiguity. Therefore, career undecided students are expected to report higher levels of anxiety than their decided counterparts.

18 Types of Research Questions
Correlation Extent to which 2 or more continuous psychological constructs vary together Pearson correlation coefficient r- bivariate correlation: strength and direction r = r = r =. 50 Regression - multi IV’s test combined contribution of several IVs to one DV test unique contribution of each IV to the DV while controlling for the other IVs

19 Type of Question Individuals who have anxious personalities typically have difficulty making decisions. Anxiety has been positively associated to perceptions of ambiguity. The ambiguity inherent in making decisions about distant outcomes, exacerbates anxiety reactions. The higher the level of anxiety, the more difficult to commit to a choice. Therefore, we hypothesize that anxiety will be positively related to career indecision among college students.

20 Research Proposal Develop a research proposal that includes
An introduction/literature review that provides conceptual framework for research question based on theoretical/empirical literature and/or reasoning Methods to conduct study Participants Instruments to collect the data Procedures Analyses

21 Research Proposal Describe your research interests in general, broad terms. Identify testable research question(s) Identify the variables/constructs embedded in the question. Provide conceptual definitions for variables. Provide operational definitions for variables

22 Readings Reports Class 3: Students 1-3-5 Class 4: Students 2-4-6

23 Annotated Bibliography
Research Questions examined in your area of interest Weekly write-ups Classes 7-10 Dyads A: Sender/Reader: 1-2; 3-4; 5-6 Dyads B: Sender/Reader: 2-5; ;

24 Science in Counseling Psychology
Are our interventions effective? Empirically Validated Treatments Experimental studies- randomized controlled clinical trials Relations about psychological phenomena

25 Science Practice Knowledge for its own sake Academic freedom
Seeks to understand populations: probability Individual differences: nuisance/confound Knowledge for what it can accomplish Public service Seeks to understand individuals – 0 or 100% Individual differences: focus of attention

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