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Characteristics of Life

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1 Characteristics of Life

2 Vocabulary Chapter 1 By the end of this power point you should be able to define all of the following terms……. Biology – The study of life Cell – Basic unit of life Reproduction Metabolism Homeostasis Gene Heredity Mutation Evolution Species – groups of similar organisms that can reproduce Natural Selection – those better suited to their environment survive and reproduce the most successfully

3 Is it living? Cellular Organization: All living things are composed of one or more cells. Reproduction: All living things are able to reproduce (sexually or asexually). Metabolism: All living things obtain and use energy to run life processes Homeostasis: All living things maintain a constant interval environment. Conditions stay essentially stable

4 Is it Living? 5. Heredity: All living things are able to pass on traits to offspring. 6. Responsiveness: All living things respond and adjust to the environment. 7. Growth and Development: All living things are able to grow and develop. 8. Adaptation and Evolution: As a group, living things change over time.

5 To be alive means to possess ALL 8 characteristics.

6 Cellular Structure and Function
Highly organized Cell is smallest unit capable of all life functions “Building Blocks of Life” the basic unit Can be unicellular (single celled) OR multicellular (many celled)

7 Reproduction Not necessary for the life of the individual
BUT is necessary for the life and ongoing success of the species Examples: Bacteria: divide into offspring cells every 15 minutes Bristlecone pine trees: 5,000 years old

8 Metabolism All the chemical reactions that are carried out in an organism Almost all energy used is captured by sunlight Sun → Plants → Plant Eaters → Meat Eaters Producer/Autotroph: an organism that makes its own food Consumer/Heterotroph: an organism that acquires energy from outside sources (EATS!)

9 Homeostasis What is normal human body temperature?
Homeostasis: Maintenance of internal conditions despite changes in the environment. Focus is on stability and balance

10 Heredity Passing on of traits from parents to offspring.
Genes: sets of inherited instructions for making proteins Instructions are coded in DNA Any change in DNA is a mutation such as sickle cell anemia

11 Responsiveness Ability to adapt to our surroundings and environment.
What happens when we can no longer adapt?

12 Growth and Development
All living things grow and develop at different rates Boys vs girls Grow- increase in size Develop- change in shape Example: Gestation time Human days Elephant 624 days average Hamster days

13 Adaptation and Evolution
Adaptation: a trait that makes an organism better suited to its environment, and therefore more likely to survive and reproduce Example: camouflage, flight Evolution: a change in the characteristics of a group of organisms over time Example: average human height

14 Bellwork List 3 of the 8 characteristics of living things.
Share your response with your table.

15 ACTIVITY Divide a sheet of paper into 8 sections.
In each section draw and label each of the 8 characteristics of life. Be sure to use lots of color!!!!!

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