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Prisons & Asylums.

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Presentation on theme: "Prisons & Asylums."— Presentation transcript:

1 Prisons & Asylums

2 Reading Valentine Ch 5 pp

3 Valentine Referring to the UK prison system
UK, USA, South Africa, Canada, Australia, Russia have large prison populations why?

4 Asylums, Prisons Socially-constructed places not inevitable

5 Crime a social construction? aggravated by poverty, social stress?

6 UK c. 1700 Crime rampant Severe & capital punishment for minor offences lots of hangings

7 UK c. 1750 Crime rampant Reduce hangings by transporting criminals to penal colonies abroad America Australia

8 UK c. 1850 Policing becoming effective Transportation ceases
Confine criminals to a new type of “reformatory” prison


10 Prison Inmates generate their own institutions trade in contraband
social hierarchies

11 Prison Disciplinary regime imposed on the body physical confinement
imposed dietary regime uniforms

12 Prison Prison guards develop their own regimes of rules
condoning/colluding in contraband trade prison gangs allow divide & rule strategies

13 Prison Inmates & staff alliances conflics collusions

14 Bentham’s Panopticon Designed for easy surveillance of prisoners


16 Asylum Segregated the mentally-ill and the socially deviant
Within the walls Away from society


18 Asylum Idea of locating asylums in therapeutic settings rural
careful landscaping and architectural planning



21 Augusta Co Virginia



24 Asylum Warehoused the mentally-ill Engaged them in treatment regimes
institutionalizing them as permanent patients



27 Asylum Expectations of docility discipline unruly patients

28 Asylum Become places symbolic of insanity



31 Asylum mental illness as a social construction
social stress medicalised as madness? But not just a social construction

32 Prisons, Asylums Places, environments
designed for containment, punishment, reform, therapy Condition a wider social environment produce deterrence, fear, obedience remove the deviant from society

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