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Lead Retrieval Anika Millhouse

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1 Lead Retrieval Anika Millhouse
Sylvia Karpf Associate Director, National College Fairs, Special Programs and Services Anika Millhouse Event Manager, National College Fairs, Special Programs and Services Sylvia starts.

2 Lead Retrieval Technology that allows for the exchange of information between students and perspective colleges/universities (replaces inquiry cards) Exhibitors receive a small hand-held scanner at check-in Students register and generate a barcode Students allow selected exhibitors to scan their barcodes Exhibitors receive a spreadsheet of scanned student registration data only, approximately 2-3 days after the fair Registration is not required, but highly recommended Parents and counselors can also register Launched in 2007 at the Ft. Lauderdale NCF as a pilot program In 2012, Lead Retrieval was available at all NCFs and price was included as part of the registration fees 5 laptops and 2 printers are provided for onsite registration Mobile registration was introduced in 2012

3 Lead Retrieval Information: Exhibitors
Benefits Accurate information Easily export data Eliminate the need for inquiry cards Scanners One scanner is included with each booth registration Each scanner holds 10,000 leads Additional scanners may be ordered prior to the fair or onsite Exhibitors are held responsible for their scanner and must return it during the last session of the fair. The cost to replace a scanner is $600.

4 Attendee Registration Types
Online Registration: Attendees register through a tablet or PC via internet before the fair Mobile Registration: Attendees register through a mobile phone before the fair Bulk Registration: A school staff member registers 200 or more attendees via TRC’s spreadsheet method 4-6 weeks before the fair Pros: 1) shorter attendee registration lines on-site, 2) ideal for school areas with few computers/mobile phones Cons: 1) most schools won’t have all the relevant attendee information; 2) inaccurate/incomplete data to exhibitors On-Site Registration Online: Attendees register via lead retrieval PCs at the fair Mobile: Attendees register via mobile phones at the fair We encourage pre-fair registration for all Attendees

5 The Process: Lead Retrieval and the Fair Cycle
Exhibitors Registration Attendees Online/Mobile Registration (Barcodes) TRC Sends Reminders to NCF Attendees Lead Retrieval Marketing Exhibitors Obtain Scanners Exhibitors & Attendees Interact Exhibitors Scan Attendees’ Barcodes Exhibitors Return Scanners TRC Uploads Attendees Data and Notifies Exhibitors Exhibitors Download Attendees Data Exhibitors Contact Attendees When Exhibitors register, they automatically will receive one scanner per 10,000 leads (additional scanners require separate rental) Ideally, Attendees will register online before the fair and will have their barcodes (print/mobile) NACAC will send an blast to previous attendees who will graduate in 2016 or later TRC will send NCF reminders to all attendees 1) when they register, 2) two days prior to the fair, 3) and after the fair At the fair, Exhibitors obtain their scanners, interact with Attendees and scan their barcodes, depending on Attendees’ interests At the end of the fair, Exhibitors return their scanners TRC uploads unique Attendee data by Exhibitor within 2 days (NCFs) or 3 days (PVAs) Exhibitors download data and use it for analysis and to interact with Attendees

6 Student Registration Steps
Students (or parents) register online at Print out registration confirmation Students visit the schools they’re interested in Exhibitors scan the barcode Exhibitors receive the students information within a couple days and follow up Students/parents can register online or on smartphone Eliminates need for inquiry cards (green initiative)


8 Tips for Encouraging Pre-Registration
Have students register in home room or study block Require students to show registration barcode before they board the bus to the fair Offer incentives to students that pre-register Coordinate a district counselor meeting Attend PTA meetings Send out registration reminders to your counselor listserv Place promotional materials in career center Check Dashboard regularly

9 NCF Attendee Registration: Spring Statistics
2014 2015 2016 Online - PreFair 93,707 81,089 79,890 Online - Onsite 7,408 7,632 5,760 Mobile - PreFair 13,398 10,923 16,040 Mobile – Onsite 10.372 8,042 11,682 Total 124,885 107,686 113,372

10 Dashboard Reporting Keeps track of which schools are registering
You event manager has access to this dashboard that allows us to track how many students are registering from each school and which schools in particular are registering. You, as the chair, can also access it. DEMONSTRATE ON SCREEN The Counselor Reporting is also available at Counselors will need to create their logon credentials and choose the HS for which they want to monitor the student registrations.  Once created, their login credentials will take them directly to their specific chosen HS student registration report. Counselors can see specifically what students from their school registered

11 Marketing Lead Retrieval
TRC makes phone calls to local High Schools E-Blasts Newsletter/poster mailing Newspapers Save the Date postcards Marketing kits are sent to superintendents Event Managers and NCF Chairs reach out to local youth organizations/CBO’s Exhibitors promote during high school visits and on their website/social media

12 Lead Retrieval Information: Exhibitors
Spring 2014 Spring 2015 Spring 2016 # of Unique Exhibitors 1,307 1,354 1,426 # of Scanners Ordered (including additional scanners) 8,218 8,407 8,799

13 Special Information Exhibitors International Students
Non-Traditional Students Chair Dashboard NCF Chairs can access their dashboard at with credentials of Username: NACACDashboardUser and Password: Dashboardpw0rd Counselors can set-up their dashboard at Lead Retrieval: Marketing Strategies NACAC Blast to Previous Attendees (Blue Hornet) TRC s to Registered Attendees Pre-Registration: Thank you for registering. . . Two Days Before Fair: See you at the fair. . . Post-Fair: Thank you for attending. . .

14 Questions & Answers

15 Thank you!

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