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Swiss Fight Against Malnutrition – Impact of an Official Curriculum

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1 Swiss Fight Against Malnutrition – Impact of an Official Curriculum
Z. Stanga, R. Meier, C. Pichard and the Executive Committee of the Swiss Society of Clinical Nutrition ( SSCN ) University Hospital, CH-3010 Bern, tel , Switzerland demographics: 7‘508‘700 inhabitants, 572 hospitals, 5 university hospitals Rationale 40% of hospitalized patients are malnourished. Malnutrition leads to increased morbidity, longer hospital stays, decreased quality of life and higher costs. Nutritional intervention is cost-effective. The level of knowledge and the awareness of nutritional problems are low among caregivers. The SSCN established a system and created policies to prevent malnutrition. The implementation of policies to promote nutrition has to be accompanied by a training programme for caregivers. Methods The SSCN has launched its educational programme in clinical nutrition in affiliation with 5 Swiss Faculties of Medicine. The Certificate of Advanced Studies in Clinical Nutrition (CASCN) has been established in 2007. Objectives of the CASCN: to establish/improve education, information, competence and skills standards for health professionals to create an official organisation to certify specialists belonging to a competent national network in clinical nutrition A tight co-operation with the ESPEN Life-Long-Learning (LLL) programme and a close collaboration with other national societies (D, A, F, I) exist already . Structure The modular programme has been designed for full-time employees, consisting in 15 ECTS (European Credit Transfer System). A case report discussion and an active participation at an international congress are included. The certificate will be given after an oral presentation at the National SSCN congress. The CASCN can be completed within 3 years. Structural map of the CASCN Directory and Medical Faculty of the Swiss Universities Executive Committee of the SSCN Course Directors Ms. Prof. MM. Berger (SSCN, Chairman of the Scientific Committee CASCN) Prof. C. Pichard (SSNC, Chairman of the Educational Committee CASCN) Prof. E. Sterchi and Prof. P. Diem (Faculty of Medicine, University of Bern) Scientific Committee Chairman: Ms. Prof. MM. Berger + 5 members (SSCN) Educational Committee Chairman: Prof. M. Roulet Executive Board Dr. Z. Stanga (SSCN, Medical Faculty of the University of Bern) Dr. R. Imoberdorf (SSCN) Coordination CASCN Ms. P. Imoberdorf Applicants CASCN Physicians, pharmacists, dieticians, nurses, nutritionists, biologists and professionals with interest in clinical nutrition Course Advisors Swiss experts in Clinical Nutrition Organisators of SSCN-courses Organisators of courses with SSCN-patronage Impact on Clinical Nutrition in Switzerland ( ) course evaluation (total participant course hours: 11’500) introduction of nutrition in the official curriculum of the Swiss Medical Faculties creation of 9 new Nutrition Support Teams formation of 3 new Units for Clinical Nutrition increasing SSCN-membership (237  250); 170 ESPEN block members SSCN-Courses: National distribution Languages: French German Italian Conclusions The CASCN  raises the awareness of many healthcare stakeholders  offers a structured and official training for medical and non-medical staff  promotes good practice and quality assurance control Submission date: 28 th of May 2009

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