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Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance

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1 Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance
DMARC Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance DMARC for campus

2 Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance
DMARC Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance What is DMARC? An standard that allows providers to to verify that was sent from a valid address. Case 1: from to Gmail asks WiscMail servers, “Is this legitimate?” WiscMail servers, “Yes, that is legitimate. Bucky rocks!” Gmail delivers mail to

3 Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance
DMARC Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance How does DMARC work? systems “talk” to each other using the DMARC standard to verify senders are legitimate. Case 2: from to WiscMail servers ask MSU servers, “Is this legitimate?” MSU, “Nope! We don’t know who that is!” WiscMail potential actions include: deliver block quarantine discard

4 Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance
DMARC Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance Who is impacted by this change? Any system “spoofing” or impersonating a UW Madison addresses UW-Madison users who send messages thru 3rd- party mass providers (e.g. MailChimp, Constant Contact, etc.) using address as the “From” address.* Non-UW-Madison accounts which send as an address (e.g. Gmail account configured to send as address). Third-party scripts/servers that don’t send using on-campus mail services which are sending “FROM” a address. * Can be configured to send DMARC compliant

5 Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance
DMARC Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance Who is not impacted by this change? UW-Madison Office 365 web client, desktop app, and mobile app Individuals sending outbound Office 365 add-ons for mail-merge functionality Systems which are able to authorize end-users’ use of their own address within the system List servers configured to work with DMARC* UW-Madison lists Google Groups  UW-Madison campus SMTP Relay service *Departmental and off-campus list servers need to be updated to support DMARC

6 Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance
DMARC Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance How does this impact UW Madison inbound/outbound messages? Inbound Inbound messages (from any source other than the UW- Madison Office 365 tenant) which spoof address will be flagged as SPAM. These messages will either be rejected by the system, quarantined, or delivered to the intended recipient’s SPAM folder. Outbound Recipient systems (e.g. Gmail, etc.) will reject or quarantine messages which spoof address.

7 Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance
DMARC Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance What can you do to ensure you are compliant with DMARC standards? Faculty/Staff/Students No changes necessary unless they are sending messages from a non-UW service which is “spoofing” an address. Domain/Application/System Admins See the DMARC Website for more information on how to achieve DMARC compliance. Contact 3rd-Party providers to determine if they are capable of DMARC compliance. If you manage a system which sends through a mechanism other than UW Madison mail relay, contact the ECC Team for a consultation.

8 Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance
DMARC Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance What is the timeline? Current and Ongoing Execute communication plan Develop domain policies with Hostmaster Convert campus relayers Fall/Winter 2018 Tag subjects of inbound mail violating DMARC standard Publish SPF ~all for (following conclusion of Spring semester) Spring/Summer 2019 (Tentative) Publish 1% DMARC record for Fall 2019 (Tentative) Publish DMARC record for

9 Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance
DMARC Domain-based Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance Questions?

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