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Keeping Children Safe in Education 2018

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Presentation on theme: "Keeping Children Safe in Education 2018"— Presentation transcript:

1 Keeping Children Safe in Education 2018
The key changes Dai Durbridge, Partner Browne Jacobson LLP

2 This session Top 10 changes Look at five of them
Answer a few questions

3 The new guidance Access it below A fair bit longer: runs to 110 pages
A number of minor tweaks and a bit of sprucing up 10 changes definitely worth talking about

4 Top 10 changes In no particular order: Peer-on-peer abuse
Additions re. MATs DSLs and file transfer Reasonable force Governor checks 6. The SCR 7. Referring to the DBS 8. Volunteers and RA 9. Alternative Provision 10. Host families

5 Top 10 changes In no particular order: Peer-on-peer abuse
Additions re. MATs DSLs and file transfer Reasonable force Governor checks 6. The SCR 7. Referring to the DBS 8. Volunteers and RA 9. Alternative Provision 10. Host families

6 Top 10 changes Peer-on-peer abuse DSLs and file transfer
Reasonable force Volunteers and RA Host families

7 September 2018

8 September 2018 2.5 exabytes - that's 2.5 billion gigabytes (GB) - of data was generated every day in 2012

9 1. Peer-on-peer abuse Currently: paras 76-78
KCS 2018: paras and Part 5 Separate December 2017 DfE advice note Emerging area, can be complex to manage

10 2. DSLs and file transfer Currently: Annex B KCS 2018: paras 74-75
Two additions:

11 2. DSLs and file transfer ‘Receiving schools and colleges should ensure key staff such as designated safeguarding leads and SENCOs or the named person with oversight for SEN in a college, are aware as required.’

12 2. DSLs and file transfer ‘In addition to the child protection file, the designated safeguarding lead should also consider if it would be appropriate to share any information with the new school or college in advance of a child leaving. For example, information that would allow the new school or college to continue supporting victims of abuse and have that support in place for when the child arrives.’

13 3. Reasonable force Currently: n/a KCS 2018: paras 103-105
Separate July 2013 DfE advice note Nothing new, but worth noting that it now appears in KCS and the message that sends

14 4. Volunteers and RA Currently: n/a KCS 2018: para 110
Separate 2012 DfE advice note Can obtain enhanced DBS (but not a barred list check) on supervised volunteers in some circumstances

15 5. Host families Currently: Annex E KCS 2018: Annex E
More information, greater clarity. Three key points to note:

16 5. Host families Enhanced DBS with barred list for UK families
‘Should’ for those responsible for the child ‘free to decide’ re other 16+ in the household New section re. safeguarding steps during the visit New section re safeguards for host families abroad

17 Child Protection in Education 2018

18 Child Protection in Education 2018

19 Questions? Dai Durbridge | |

20 Keeping Children Safe in Education 2018
The key changes Dai Durbridge, Partner Browne Jacobson LLP

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