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Countdown to Independence: Causes of the American Revolution

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Presentation on theme: "Countdown to Independence: Causes of the American Revolution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Countdown to Independence: Causes of the American Revolution

2 SOL QUESTIONS Define the Enlightenment…
What “natural rights” did John Locke say men should enjoy?

3 The Revolutionary Period
U.S. History: SOL VUS. 3 & 4 The Revolutionary Period

4 Countdown to Independence: Causes of the American Revolution

5 What led to the American Revolution?
Ideas of the Enlightenment Rivalry between France and England Unfair British Policies 1. 2. 3.

6 The Enlightenment People started writing and talking about government. They thought of new ways people could govern themselves. Why would people suddenly start brainstorming about government? What was going on in the world?


8 18th century-emphasized the use of reason and scientific investigation to obtain knowledge.
The Age of Reason Government should protect the rights of people. Any Government that takes away the rights of the people should be abolished and replaced. John Locke Natural Rights All people are free and have rights that rulers cannot take away.

9 What Happens If A Government Tries To Take Away The Rights
******************************************************** What Happens If A Government Tries To Take Away The Rights Of The People?

10 What two nations became colonial rivals in North America?
1. England 2. France

11 The Eve of Conflict The Ideas of the Enlightenment and the perceived unfairness of British polices provoked debate and resistance in the American Colonies.

12 The French & Indian War

13 What was the economic basis of the French colony at Quebec?

14 Rivals England & France compete for money, power & land in North America
The Brawl for it All France vs. England!! As the colonies grew the settlers continued to push westward. The French & Indians were threatened by this expansion.


16 1754 1st Attempt To Unite The Colonies


18 Later in 1754, the French & Indian War begins!
People do not Support Franklin’s Albany Plan. Later in 1754, the French & Indian War begins!

19 The French & Indian War


21 England wins. Now the French must GO!
Under the leadership of William Pitt England would drive the French out of much of North America. However security comes at a price as the colonists would soon painfully find out.

22 Territory west of the Appalachian Mountains Florida (from Spain)
What territory did England gain from France as a result of the French and Indian War? Canada Territory west of the Appalachian Mountains Florida (from Spain)

23 British government went greatly in debt.
What effect did the French and Indian War have on the finances of the British government? British government went greatly in debt.


25 Proclamation of 1763 Forbid American colonists to move west of the Appalachian Mountains The settlers were coming on the Indian's land which made the Indians get mad and fight back (PONTIAC’s REBELLION). Then the King would have to send troops to protect the settlers.

26 Protect friendly Indians
What 3 results did the British government intend for the Proclamation of 1763? Protect friendly Indians Reduce conflict between Americans colonists and the Indians Reduce the cost of the British army to protect the land west of the Appalachians


28 What is the name of Great Britain’s lawmaking body?




32 Sons of Liberty Led Protests Against TAXES!! John Hancock

33 What became a popular slogan in the American colonies?
“No taxation without representation”

34 Tar & Feather the Tax Collector

35 Ben Franklin Speaks to Parliament

36 The Colonists Protested British Policies


38 Boston Massacre 1770 Resentment to English authority increases
after British troops kill anti-British demonstrators.

39 What is a monopoly? Complete Control Absence of Competition
Fewer Choices


41 Parliament Passes More Taxes!!
Tea Act 1773 led to the Boston Tea Party

42 The Intolerable Acts

43 British Response Intolerable acts-passed by Parliament to punish colonist for the affects of the Boston Tea Party Closed the Boston Ports stopping any other trading with other Colonies.

44 1st Continental Congress

45 1774 -1st Continental Congress
In September, congress met for the first time to protest Intolerable Acts.

46 Patrick Henry (VA)

47 1775 March 23 Patrick Henry from Virginia gave the speech “ Give me liberty or Give me death.” April 18 Paul Revere, William Dawes, and Samuel Prescott warned colonists that “The British are coming.” “The first shot around the world” was heard at Lexington and later at Concord - April 19, 1775

48 The Shot heard ‘round the World
Opening shots of the American Revolution are fired at Lexington & Concord Massachusetts

49 The British Are Coming!!!! Here at Concord Bridge "the shot heard 'round the world" was fired.




53 What did Common Sense say?
Challenged the rule of the American colonies by the King of England

54 The 2nd Continental Congress
The Second Continental Congress, meeting in May 1775, appointed George Washington commander in chief of the army.

55 Bunker Hill-1st Major Battle

56 1776-Freedom is signed!!

57 John Locke Thomas Paine
Whose ideas did Thomas Jefferson borrow when he wrote the Declaration of Independence? John Locke Thomas Paine

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