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Mechanics - Adjectives

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Presentation on theme: "Mechanics - Adjectives"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mechanics - Adjectives
English 8 Tues. 1 /10 - 1st Today: HAND BACK WORK! Mechanics - Adjectives Due complete; review, then arts and crafts w/ Mr. L. BINDER CHECK TODAY 15 POINTS Analysis: Acquainted with the Night Due and complete in class HW: Finish all dodecahedrons

2 1st: Adjectives - work through in class Cut out definitions Glue in notebook Share supplies, Quick and quiet BINDER CHECK Done? Get out Analysis: Acquainted with the Night

3 Analysis: Acquainted with the Night Due and complete in class
English 8 Tues. 1 /10 - 3RD Today: Analysis: Acquainted with the Night Due and complete in class BINDER CHECK TODAY 15 POINTS HW: Finish all dodecahedrons DUE FRIDAY

4 Quick Write: ½ page. Head it and date it, title it : Acquainted with the night Hand in at the end of the period. If night is a symbol for something, what is it a symbol of? If you could make a story about this speaker, what might the story be? Why is he walking? Why does he feel so bad? Have you ever felt this way?

5 3rd: Get out Analysis: Acquainted with the Night BINDER CHECK

6 Two live (video poems), your writing
English 8 Tues. 1 /10 - 4th Today: Two live (video poems), your writing Continue exercises When a Horse Hoof Hits the Ground HW: Finish all dodecahedrons DUE FRIDAY

7 Responsive Writing: ½ page, 20 points, due this period Proper heading
Two Young Poets Taking my ball and go home Sarah Kay, Love Letter Responsive Writing: ½ page, 20 points, due this period Proper heading What I noticed, what I liked, what I disliked, What was similar about the two poets, What was different about them a question

8 Notes: Mon. 1/9 3rd finished adjectives, and got them into their notebooks; no acquainted with the night, no cowboy poetry, no binder check; Seating isssus; change seating 4th completed adjectives and did cowboy poetry up through meter; binder check was completed; Tues. 1/10 1st p. Complete adjectives; binder check, show cowboy poem, start worksheet; 3rd binder check, cowboy poetry; start worksheet; 4th show poetry slams: writing: what I noticed, what I liked, what I disliked, a question

9 Poem: Acquainted With the Night
Start assignment this period, finish as HW if necessary, due at beginning of class Mon. 30 points Find your copy of Acquainted With the Night, (handed out Thurs.) Head it with name, period, date Find your copy of literary terms reference out (handed out Thurs.) Circle words of imagery in the poem; Draw lines linking end rhymes; Count syllables in each line, write that number in the left-hand margin; Read the poem aloud to find the accented syllables in the lines; mark each accented syllable (just above it) with an accent mark; On your literary terms sheet, (handed out Thursday), find “Personification” and its definition. Underline the example of personification in the poem. Find “Affect”. Re-read the poem. In your opinion, what’s the overall affect? (Write answers on the poem.) Find “Symbol”. Re-read the poem. If night is a symbol, what is it a symbol of? (Write answer on the poem.)

10 Done? Read through Swearingen’s When A Horse Hoof Hits the Ground

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