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Estimation and Protection on Synchrotron Radiation in CEPC Main Ring

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1 Estimation and Protection on Synchrotron Radiation in CEPC Main Ring
Shi Haoyu, Ding Yadong, Ma Zhongjian IHEP,CAS 1st CEPC SRS Workshop

2 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop
Outline Harm of Synchrotron Radiation Parameters of Synchrotron Radiation in CEPC Simulation Shielding Design for Magnets Effects of the Shielding Future Work 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

3 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop
Outline Harm of Synchrotron Radiation Parameters of Synchrotron Radiation in CEPC Simulation Shielding Design for Magnets Effects of the Shielding Future Work 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

4 Harm of Synchrotron Radiation
Synchrotron radiation will induce: Heating of the vacuum chamber Radiation damage to machine elements Formation of ozone and nitrogen oxides in the air Leading to corrosion of machine components and health hazards for personnel Radioactivity induced in components Other issues…… 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

5 Harm of Synchrotron Radiation
Direct: Radiation Damage Heat Deposition Indirect: Radioactivity Noxious Gas And so on 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

6 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop
Outline Harm of Synchrotron Radiation Parameters of Synchrotron Radiation in CEPC Simulation Shielding Design for Magnets Effects of the Shielding Future Work 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

7 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop
Parameters of SR Direction of Deflection Dipole Only consider SR produced in Dipole Magnet SR produced in Quadrupole and Sextupole(except FFS) can be ignored SR in Injection and Extraction Magnet will study in the future 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

8 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop
Parameters of SR Energy spectrum distribution: Angular distribution: Formulas listed in Appendix 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

9 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop
Parameters of SR 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

10 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop
Parameters of SR Parameters Symbols Units Values Beam energy E GeV 45.5 80 120 Beam current I mA 83.8 90.3 17.7 Bending radius ρ m 10900 Power per unit length P W/m 42.62 438 435 Critical energy Ec keV 19.01 103.3 348.8 Bending angle θ mrad 2.844 Opening angle φ μrad 11.23 6.387 4.258 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

11 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop
Outline Harm of Synchrotron Radiation Parameters of Synchrotron Radiation in CEPC Simulation Shielding Design for Magnets Effects of the Shielding Future Work 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

12 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop
Simulation Tool: FLUKA, checked with MCNP Source : Photon, not electron/positron 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

13 Simulation Assumption
Energy: Lowest 1 keV Highest 6 MeV Gap 1keV Written in Python Number: 𝑁 𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛 = 𝑃 𝐸 𝑎𝑣𝑒 ∙𝑡 2.363×1016m-1s-1 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

14 Simulation Assumption
Position: Opening Angel ignored Take the orbit of beam as straight line Direction: X-Z Plane Left or Right 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop
Outline Harm of Synchrotron Radiation Parameters of Synchrotron Radiation in CEPC Simulation Shielding Design for Magnets Effects of the Shielding Future Work 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

16 The Safety of Coils in Dipole
LEP Spring-8 Materials Upper dose limit in Gy Fiberglass 108 Semi-organic coating Epoxy resin 2×107 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

17 Shielding Design - Dipole
2 cm Lead 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

18 Shielding Design - Quadrupole
2 cm Lead 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

19 Shielding Design - Sextupole
2 cm Lead 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

20 Shielding Design – Vacuum Chamber
2 cm Lead 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

21 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop
Outline Harm of Synchrotron Radiation Parameters of Synchrotron Radiation in CEPC Simulation Shielding Design for Magnets Effects of the Shielding Future Work 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

22 Effects – Dose in Dipole
Without Shield With Shield Without Shield With Shield Max Dose 5.11E5 Gy/Ah 1.89E4 Gy/Ah Coil Life-time h h 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

23 Effects – Heat in Dipole
Total power 870 W/m Beam direction: left W/m Beam direction: right W/m Al chamber  199 186  Cu chamber  308 332 Dipole  186 182 Lead A  60.6 29.2  Lead B  33.5 80.0  Lead C  46.8 18.8  Lead D 14.3 20.4  2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

24 Effects – Heat in Dipole
Total power 870 W/m Without Shield With Shield Al Chamber 199 Al chamber  199 Cu Chamber 310 Cu chamber  308 Dipole 255  186 - Lead  155.2 Air 106 21.8 Total Bending Length: ~68,452 m 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

25 Effects – Heat in Dipole
Total power 59.6 MW/turn Without Shield With Shield Al Chamber 13.6 Al chamber Cu Chamber 21.2 Cu chamber  21.1 Dipole 17.5  12.7 - Lead  10.6 Air 7.3 1.49 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

26 Effects – Dose in Quadrupole
Without Shield With Shield Without Shield With Shield Max Dose 4.69E5 Gy/Ah 0.82E4 Gy/Ah Coil Life-time h 1.37E5 h 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

27 Effects – Heat in Quadrupole
Total power 870 W/m Beam direction: left W/m Beam direction: right W/m Quadrupole  279 268 Lead A  37.8 36.4  Lead B  18.1 21.7  2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

28 Effects – Dose in Sextupole
With Shield Without Shield Without Shield With Shield Max Dose 3.25E6 Gy/Ah 1.67E4 Gy/Ah Coil Life-time 347.67h h 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

29 Effects – Heat in Sextupole
Total power 870 W/m Beam direction: left W/m Beam direction: right W/m Sextupole  179 174 Lead A  95.1 107  Lead B  60.3 43.1  2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

30 Effects – Dose in Magnets
Dose in Gy/Ah with/out Shield in Magnets Magnets Dipole Quadrupole Sextupole Without Shield 5.11E5 Gy/Ah 4.69E5 Gy/Ah 3.25E6 Gy/Ah With Shield 1.89E4 Gy/Ah 0.82E4 Gy/Ah 1.67E4 Gy/Ah Coil Life-time with/out Shield in Magnets (44000h/yr) Magnets Coil Life-time Without Pb Coil Life-time With Pb Dipole 0.5 yr 13.59 yr > 10 yr Quadrupole 0.54 yr 31.32 yr Sextupole 0.08 yr 15.38 yr 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

31 Dose Distribution in Tunnel without Shield
Gy/Ah 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

32 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop
Outline Harm of Synchrotron Radiation Parameters of Synchrotron Radiation in CEPC Simulation Shielding Design for Magnets Effects of the Shielding Future Work 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

33 Thanks for your attention
Future Work The Extraction of the SR The Simulation of SR in other magnets The Improvement of simulation Thanks for your attention 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

34 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop
Appendix SR critical energy: Solid degree 𝜑 : 𝐸 𝑐 𝑘𝑒𝑉 =2.2 𝐸(𝐺𝑒𝑉) 3 𝜌(𝑚) 𝜑= 1 𝛾 = 𝑚 0 𝑐 2 𝐸 = 𝐸 𝑒 (𝐺𝑒𝑉) ~ keV SR Power: Number of photons (Method 1): 𝑃 𝑊 𝑚 =14.1 𝐸 𝐺𝑒𝑉 4 𝐼(𝑚𝐴) 𝜌(𝑚) 2 𝑁 𝑝ℎ𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛 = 𝑃 𝐸 𝑎𝑣𝑒 ∙𝑡 ~ 435 W/m Number of photons (Method 2): SR spectrum: 𝑑𝑁 𝑑𝑠 = 0 ∞ 𝐸 𝑐 𝑑 2 𝑁 𝑑𝜀𝑑𝑠 𝑑𝑟= 𝐸 𝜌 0 ∞ 𝑟 ∞ 𝐾 𝜂 𝑑𝜂𝑑𝑟=19.4 𝐸 𝜌 𝑆 𝜔 = 𝜋 𝜔 ∞ 𝐾 (𝜂)𝑑𝜂 𝜔= 𝜔 𝐸 𝜔 𝑐 2018/11/15 Shi Haoyu -- CEPC SRS Workshop

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