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Biochemistry 1 CHEM 271.

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1 Biochemistry 1 CHEM 271

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- The study of the structure, organization and interactions of cells, tissues and organisms. CHEMISTRY - The study of the structure, organization and interactions of atoms and molecules. BIOCHEMISTRY - The study of the structure, organization and functioning of living matter in molecular terms. - « the chemistry of life » Source: Dr. Steven Kawai

5 “Molecules of life” Proteins Carbohydrates Lipids Nucleic acids
structure, catalysis, motion, signaling Carbohydrates Energy, storage of energy Lipids Energy, cell membranes Nucleic acids Genetic information


7 Applications of Biochemistry
medicine dentistry agriculture forensics anthropology environmental sciences many other fields

8 “Central Dogma” of Biology
DNA RNA Protein [1(+) per gene] Information as coded sequences of chemical ‘letters’ structural building blocks receptors transporters enzymes * Chapter 1 of the textbook explains the structure and function of DNA in chemical terms: similar chemical principles underlie the structure and function of proteins

9 Chemical bonds, a summary
Covalent (C-H, C-O) Noncovalent Electrostatic interaction Hydrogen bonds van der Waals interaction Hydrophobic effect

10 What will we be studying?
Part 1: Structure and properties of proteins Quaternary structure - Hemoglobin (structure & function) Tertiary (3D) structure - Characterizing proteins Enzymes (structure & function) - Serine proteases Secondary structure Enzyme kinetics - Amino acids (20) Enzyme inhibitors - Acids/bases - Primary structure / non-covalent interactions Source: Dr. Steven Kawai

11 What will we be studying?
Part 2: Central metabolism (Glucose → ATP): enzymes, regulation, strategy, thermodynamics Citric acid cycle Energy capture and biosynthetic intermediates Metabolism - Glycolysis - Gluconeogenesis Oxidative phosphorylation (Electron-transport chain) - Glycogen metabolism - Cofactors Carbohydrates (structure & function) Oxidative phosphorylation (ATP synthesis) ATP is the major storage form of energy in the cell Enzyme regulation strategies

12 A possible time line for biochemical evolution
NH4 + CH4 + H2O + H2 + electricity (Miller-Urey experiment on abiogenesis) >20 amino acids

13 A tree of life; 3 related domains

14 Biological diversity and similarity

15 Protein Structure

16 Building blocks of proteins
Amino acids Building blocks of proteins

17 20 amino acids are the building blocks of proteins
Ca Amino acids (with a non-hydrogen R group) are chiral:

18 AMINO ACIDS (hydrophobic)

19 AMINO ACIDS (hydrophobic)

20 AMINO ACIDS (Polar)

21 AMINO ACIDS (Positively charged)

22 AMINO ACIDS (Negatively charged)

23 Histidine, a special case

24 Amino acid abbreviations

25 CHEM 271 Fall 2015 Learning outcomes 1
Proteins: Amino acids You should know the properties of Chemical bonds: Covalent bonds and the different non covalent interactions (you may have to read this on your own, if you don’t remember it from previous courses) What characterizes an α-amino acid You should know the structures, names, three letter abbreviations, and one letter abbreviations of all 20 amino acids found in proteins. You should know the properties of the different amino acids, for example if it is hydrophobic or polar

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