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Cornerstones Homework

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1 Cornerstones Homework
Class Wren Newsletter Welcome back! I hope you have had a well-rested and enjoyable half term! The Christmas season is upon us so it will be a very busy term! It’s my favourite time of year. Miss Croft. Road Trip USA Buckle up and put your sunglasses on – this half term we’re going on a road trip across the USA! The story, James and the Giant Peach by Roald Dahl, will be used to inspire writing this term in the form of diary entries, character descriptions and play scripts. Using maps, we’ll locate the USA and find the names of the states. By using travel brochures, books and the internet, we will do further research about the American states in order to write non-chronological reports. We’ll ‘visit’ 10 fascinating states as part of our WOW day and try lots of exciting American cuisine. We’ll look at the amazing lights of Times Square and use this to help us make circuits as part of our ‘Electricity’ Science focus. We’ll also explore Native American myths and have a go at weaving beautiful dreamcatchers. Year 4C Autumn Term 2 Cornerstones Homework New homework will be given out shortly for this topic, with a list of exciting things to do at home. Children can bring their homework into school to share with the class and receive a well done dot. We had some great pieces last year – thank you for your support with this. Maths Homework This term we will be focusing on Multiplication & Division and Measurement (Length and Area). Each child will receive a booklet to complete for this half term. Please can children hand it back to Miss Croft by Monday 18th December.  Please use this booklet in a way that works best for you and your child and perhaps aim for 1 or 2 pages a week. If you have any problems, please see Miss Croft Spelling Children will have weekly spellings based on taught spelling rules in the class and Year 3/ 4 Common Exception words. There will be a maximum of 10 spellings each week. Children will get a fresh set of spellings each week . In school we will track how they are doing with their spellings. We do appreciate it if you could practise these with your child at home. We will still test each week on a Friday. RE and British Values In RE, we will be learning about Christmas. We will be looking at the journeys Mary made. For British values, the children will be focussing on Friendship and Respect as apart of their Brinsley Values. They will be talking about what these words mean. Water Bottles Children need to bring their water bottle into the classroom daily which can be used anytime except at lunchtime. You may wish to send a named carton of juice or named juice bottle at for your child to access at lunchtime.

2 Break Time PE Days Hometime Diary Dates Helpers for Reading
KS2 break time is now at 10:00-10:15. If you want your child to have snack please send enough money for the week in a named purse or wallet. Each child now has their own tray within the classroom so that they can store their valuables. PE Days Our PE day will take place on Monday morning with the PE Coach and Tuesday afternoon with Miss Croft. Please ensure that your child has their full PE kit in school at all times.  Earrings should be removed at home or a letter obtained from the office if ears are newly pierced. Reading & Bug Club In Key Stage 2, we ask that the children read to someone at home every day for 5 minutes. The reading may consist of a variety of texts; from novels, to recipes, newspapers and even football programmes! Don’t forget reading on Bug Club also counts as home reading! Bug Club puts more emphasis on comprehension skills as, ultimately, this is what children are assessed against at the end of Key Stage 2. The children have to answer the questions, by clicking the little bugs, which Miss Croft can see. Guided Reading will happen every day for KS2. Miss Croft will also allocate their guided reading books on Bug Club under the tab, comprehension. Changes to filling in home reading log At the front of your child’s reading log, you’ll find a star reading chart which, when completed, allows the children to move up the reading tower, gain a certificate and choose a prize from the treasure box. Please write at least 1 weekly comment when you have listened to your child read and get the children to tick on the chart when they have read. Reading is an essential area where practice at home really pays off! Hometime Children will exit through a different door to last year. We will now be sending your children home near the rock climbing wall. Please can you wait until all the children have been collected before coming to speak to either Miss Croft or Miss Baldwin. Please beware that we may not always be free at the end of the day or in the morning. Therefore, if you let Miss Croft know in advance that you need a chat, then we can sort a suitable meeting or phone call. Thank you. Diary Dates First Day Back Flu sniffs & Halloween Disco Art Auction Parents Evening Parents Evening Film Night Science Day Road Trek America WOW Day Enterprise Week pm Invite Parents Christmas Swap Day Enterprise Sale/Christmas Fair Last Day Inset Day First Day Back Helpers for Reading If you are available for an hour on any afternoon to hear readers, please speak to Miss Croft.

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