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Unit One Vocabulary Week Ten.

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1 Unit One Vocabulary Week Ten

2 Acolyte (noun) a devoted follower/someone who helps during a religious service minion/lackey Mindy and Paul served as acolytes at the Christmas service. .

3 bandied (verb) discussed/or have words tossed around in a casual way
Every election cycle, the word “jobs” is bandied about; however, once the elections are over very little is done to put action behind those words.

4 draconian (adjective)
exceedingly harsh or severe In some countries punishment for even small crimes is draconian.

5 fractious (adjective)
irritable/argumentative It’s no fun working for a fractious boss. No matter how hard you try, he/she seems to always be trying to pick a fight.

6 loll (verb) lounge/laze about Homer likes to loll on the couch.

7 Per Se (adverb) in and of itself
It wasn’t dad’s Halloween mask that scared the baby per se; it was actually the guy with the chainsaw standing behind dad that caused the fright.

8 reconnoiter (verb) scout out
The general sent a few scouts forward to reconnoiter targets for the artillery.

9 sinister (adjective) evil His sinister face was burned into my memory.

10 tendentious (adjective)
a partisan point of view/biased Politics in America is rather tendentious these days.

11 vainglorious (adjective)
conceited Rabbit is a wee bit vainglorious.

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