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Mulberry Watershed Management Plan
Advisory Committee Meeting April 30, 2018
Mulberry River Watershed
Plan Goals Develop a nine-element watershed management plan (WMP) for Mulberry River Watershed that: addresses water quality impairments in stream segments identified as not supporting their designated uses based on the 2014 Georgia Integrated 305(b)/303(d) List of Waters: and identifies implementation policies and activities that will reduce impairments and improve water quality to meet targeted Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) established by the Georgia Environmental Protection Division (EPD). Does Committee agree with goals. Any changes needed?
Objectives Develop long-term monitoring to provide current data to support decision-making. Identify potential contaminant sources. Implementation of stabilization and management practices to reduce fecal coliform and sediment contamination from identified sources. Promotion of public awareness, understanding, and stewardship through public education and training opportunities for the general population and government agencies, and providing readily available technical and information-based resources. Establish framework for long-term implementation of the Watershed Management Plan. Does Committee agree with objectives? Any changes needed?
Potential Sources of Contamination
Fecal coliform Urban runoff Livestock access to waterways Direct sewage discharge Leaking/failing septic systems Sanitary sewerage leak/overflow Wastewater treatment facilities Sediment Legacy sediment Urban development Livestock access to waterways. Stream banks with no vegetation. This list came from committee input and potential sources identified in TMDL plans. Unpaved roads – Committee identified this potential source. Satilla River River Basin Plan indicates that runoff from unpaved roads in the basin is not an issue of concern? Does committee want this item removed from the list of potential sources? Wildlife – are there known hog populations in the watershed? City of Douglas WPCP - plant has definite issues of concern but long-term monitoring does not show contaminant concerns from a spill beyond the first week or two. I think it is valid to leave this as a potential source of contamination to keep this as an issue that needs to be addressed. City has undertaken numerous upgrades over the past 5 years.
Monitoring Data Extensive historical monitoring for fecal coliform and turbidity. Results are consistent over a 3-year period. Turbidity significantly elevated following rain event. Fecal coliform Historically, Cedar Creek above Winder reservoir has high counts. Individual samples in remainder of watershed generally meet state standards except when there is a rain event. Individual samples significantly elevated following rain event. Failure to meet state standard for single sample Failure to meet state standard for geometric mean.
Implementation Plan Long-term monitoring program.
Conduct post-BMP monitoring. Hold periodic Adopt-a-Stream training to certify community members to assist with long-term monitoring. Undertake long-term water quality monitoring in order to potentially de-list stream segments. Partner with UOWN.
Implementation Plan Implementation of stabilization and management practices to reduce fecal coliform and sediment contamination from identified sources. Agriculture: Review management plans with ag producers. Contact ag producers for participation in cost-share programs. Priority targets: Cedar Creek- Mulberry River HUC-12 Lower Mulberry River HUC-12 Install appropriate agricultural BMPs
Streambank restoration
Urban Utilize Green Infrastructure (GI) to manage stormwater in new develop0ment. Retrofit existing development with GI to better manage stormwater Aggressively enforce E&S ordinance. Streambank restoration Identify priority streambank segments for restoration, Restore streambanks.
Update land development codes to require green infrastructure and provide guidance of how to prioritize property selected for conservation in planned development.
Implementation Plan Education, Involvement, and Stewardship
Install roadside watershed signage at watershed boundaries. Develop partnership with K-12 schools for water conservation education and stewardship programs for youth, including classroom and field experience. Build partnership with universities and other research entities to conduct, support, and share research concerning urban ecology, green infrastructure, and community engagement. Conduct educational presentations to local civic groups, elected officials, festivals, events, etc. on watershed issues and activities.
Implementation Plan Hold workshops for elected officials and government agencies to inform of content of Watershed Management Plan and its implementation. Hold annual river cleanup events. Provide web-based watershed information and education.
Implementation Plan Long-term plan implementation
Develop a local watershed coordinator position to facilitate long-term implementation of the watershed plan. Watershed Coordinator serves as the primary facilitator for partnership-based management and stewardship in the watershed. Build relationships with partner organizations, landowners, and service providers. Organizational structure? Potential partners?
Duties and Responsibilities
Plan and implement projects that support applicable TMDLs and watershed plans. Prepare grant applications and work plans to support TMDL implementation projects. Assemble technical expertise and coordinate resources to prepare work plans and projects. Develop sampling and analysis plans and perform monitoring to assess effectiveness of watershed projects and water quality improvements. Work with local landowners, stakeholders, and partners to promote and solicit implementation of watershed improvement projects.
Initiate Plan review and update, as needed, every three years.
Develop or assist in developing funding proposals to implement BMPs and goals identified in TMDLs. Develop and organize public outreach and educational water quality programs throughout the watershed. Present at local meetings, elected official retreats, schools, conferences. Develop educational materials to support public outreach. Initiate Plan review and update, as needed, every three years.
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