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Nasty data… When killer data can ruin your analyses

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1 Nasty data… When killer data can ruin your analyses

2 Learning Objectives What will you have learnt today?
Why to inspect your data Why data become nasty How to inspect your data Coping strategies

3 Why to inspect your data?
Assumptions of parametric tests (e.g. ANOVA) The error terms are… randomly, independently, and normally distributed, with a mean of zero and a common variance (homoscedasticity)

4 Why to inspect your data?
Basic statistical method – Ordinary least squares (OLS)

5 Where are we? Why to inspect your data  violation of assumptions
Why data become nasty How to inspect your data Coping strategies

6 Where are we? Why to inspect your data  violation of assumptions
Why data become nasty How to inspect your data Coping strategies Input errors (55 instead of 5) dropout/non-response human nature keeps the game interesting

7 Am I allowed to alter my data?
29% 67% 4% It is unethical to alter data for any reason. Or Data points should be removed if they are outliers and there is a identifiable reason for invalidity. Data points should be removed if they are outliers. Extremity is reason enough.

8 Am I allowed to alter my data?
It is unethical to alter data for any reason A good model for most data is better than a poor model for all of your data.

9 Where are we? Why to inspect your data  violation of assumptions
Why data become nasty How to inspect your data Coping strategies

10 Graphical data screening

11 Normal q-q plot

12 Test on normality Access e.g. via EXPLORE

13 My data are skewed – what shall i do?
Transformed variables are difficult to interpret Scales are often arbitrary  no problem of interpretation Find a transformation that produces the prettiest picture and skewness and kurtosis near 0 (iterative)

14 Common data transformations
Before/after COMPUTE after = sqrt(before). or COMPUTE after = lg10(before+constant). COMPUTE after = 1/(before+constant).

15 Common data transformations
Add a constant to make the smallest value > 1 For left-skewed variables reverse the variables (reversed = max+1-old_var)

16 To be completed with residual Analysis

17 Rules of thumb Studentized deleted residuals with an absolute value greater than 2 deserve a look (greater than 4, alarm bells) Cook's D problematic if D. One recommendation is to consider values to be large which exceed 4/PAn. Another suggested rule is to consider any value greater than 1 or 2 as indicating that an observation requires a careful look. Finally, some researchers look for gaps between the D values.

18 Checklist For Screening Data
Inspect univariate descriptive statistics for accuracy of input out-of-range values, be aware of measurement scales plausible means and standard deviations coefficient of variation Evaluate amount and distribution of missing data: deal with problem Independence of variables Identify and deal with nonnormal variables check skewness and kurtosis, probability plots transform variables (if desirable) check results of transformations Identify and deal with outliers univariate outliers multivariate outliers Check pairwise plots for nonlinearity and heteroscedasticity Evaluate variables for multicollinearity and singularity Check for spatial autocorrelation Adapted from Tabachnick & Fidell

19 Best practice flow chart
Plausible range, missing, normality, outliers, homoscedascity Pairwise linearity (differential skewness?) Studentized deleted residuals, leverage, Cooks‘s D … e.g. squareroot, lg10, arcsin

20 Understanding WHY they are there is most important
Take home message Detecting nasty data is important Knowing how to handle them is better Understanding WHY they are there is most important

21 Francis Bacon in Novum Organum:
» For whoever knows the ways of Nature will more easily notice her deviations; and, on the other hand, whoever knows her deviations will more accurately describe her ways «

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