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Create Personalized Lecture Videos using the iPad

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1 Create Personalized Lecture Videos using the iPad
Misty and Joseph Vorder Bruegge

2 Why use the iPad for content delivery?
Maximize student engagement Provide a more authentic classroom experience Create an easy yet highly-regarded learning resource for students Answer student questions via more naturally Utilize online office hours more fully and efficiently

3 What do I need to get started?
Hardware and Accessories HCC-issued iPad connected to HCC’s Apple server Good stylus/iPad pencil for writing on the iPad Software Doceri Interactive Whiteboard (from the App Store on iPad) Doceri Desktop (from Doceri Desktop license ($30 per computer) YouTube account

4 Starting up Doceri Run Doceri Interactive Whiteboard on your iPad and Doceri Desktop on whatever computer you will be using. Click on “running Doceri Desktop through a computer” on your iPad. Click on the camera icon and aim the iPad’s camera at the QR code on the Connection Dashboard. The computer will initially (the first time only) prompt you to create a password that you will then enter on the iPad.

5 Using Doceri You can record to video at any time.
You can open any program that is installed on the computer: web browsers, etexts, YouTube videos, Word files, PowerPoints, calculators, etc. You can bring up any background pre-installed in Doceri, use your own image, or grab a screenshot from the computer. You can write, draw, highlight, etc. on any of these backgrounds.

6 Setting up YouTube Create a new gmail account or use an existing one to sign in to YouTube. From the Home Page look on the right side of the screen and click on the Letter icon (first letter of your gmail address). Then click the Settings icon. Now click View Additional Features. Under “Status and Features”, enable “Longer videos” and “unlisted and private videos” (unlisted is recommended). Select “Upload defaults” to set the video language (required for YouTube’s automated closed captioning). Doceri will only prompt you for your YouTube login information the first time you upload a video.

7 Uploading from Doceri to YouTube
You can access any recordings in Doceri by pressing the record button and selecting “My Recordings.” Upload videos by sliding the recording on the screen over to the YouTube icon.

8 Editing videos You can save your video for editing in other programs, such as Camtasia. Click the Letter icon in YouTube. Select Creator Studio. On the left side of the screen, select Video Manager. Find the video you want to edit in your video list. Next to the Edit button, hit the arrow down and choose Download MP4. Once the MP4 is downloaded, then move the video into Camtasia for editing.

9 Posting Videos in Canvas
Open the video in YouTube and click “Share.” To embed in Canvas, click on “Embed” and copy the HTML. When editing a page in Canvas, click on “HTML Editor.” The HTML can be pasted directly.

10 Using Doceri in iPad-only Mode
Run Doceri Interactive Whiteboard on your iPad. Click on “from my iPad alone” on your iPad. Open a new project/slide by clicking the + in the bottom left and selecting “iPad Default.” You have all the same background options as before except screen capturing. Press the export button to share your creation/solution/project. The top right button gives you several options, including ing a PDF or image directly to your student(s).

11 Select Video Clips (MAC ) (handout) (MAC ) (book and calculator) MAP ) (applet) Make sure you include the following statement in your syllabus if you plan on using Doceri to record your live class: The professor utilizes a screen and audio capture program to record class lectures for the benefit of student learning. Students should be aware that the audio recordings may pick up their comments and questions and that the recordings may be made available to them and other students for educational purposes. Choosing to remain enrolled in this class, and participating in classroom discussions, represents an implied consent to being recorded in this manner. It is not permissible to share the recordings with anyone not registered in this course section. Further, students shall not make any recording, including but not limited to audio and video recordings or photographs, during any class or meeting without the faculty member’s permission.

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