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Welcome to Health Care Climate Change Resiliency Mentoring

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Health Care Climate Change Resiliency Mentoring"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Health Care Climate Change Resiliency Mentoring
Webinar #5 Cohort #2 Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q53-64) April 18, 2018 Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care

2 Call in via Internet or Phone for Audio
For slides log into: Local call-in numbers Brantford Montréal Ottawa Quebec Toronto Vancouver Winnipeg Access Code: # Mute/Unmute Phone: press *6

3 Cohort # 2 Members # Organisation City PR Champion Job Title 1
Halton Healthcare Milton/Oakville ON Kassondra Stockman Emergency Preparedness Advisor 2 Horizon Health Network Fredericton NB Blaine Lynch Regional Director Facilities, Engineering & Property Mgt. 3 Fraser Health Vancouver BC Rick Molnar Manager, Facilities Maintenance and Operations 4a Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre Thunder Bay Ann-Marie Heron Executive Director of Capital Planning & Operations 4b Ann Porter Manager, Nutrition and Food Services 4c Allan Korol Manager - Physical Plant Maintenance & Operation, Biomedical Engineering 4d Kathryn Shewfelt 4e Randy Mehagan Manager - Housekeeping, Laundry, Linen, Portering 4f Fraser Pennie Emergency Preparedness & Enterprise Risk Management, Consultant 5 Interlake-Eastern Regional Health Authority Selkirk MB Jay Ferens Regional Director of Disaster Management 6 Jason Mushaluk Regional Coordinator – Disaster Management 7 William Osler Health system Etobicoke Eddie Camilleri Corporate Energy Manager 8 TRANE Toronto Matthew Sharp Project Development Leader - Cpmprehensive Solutions 9 Markham Stouffville Hospital Markham Allan Kelly Manager, Plant Maintenance 10a Mary Yacoumidis Quality Assurance Associate, Facilities Services 10b Maria Pavone Director, Facilities and Support Services, Food Services 11 Trillium Healthcare Partners Mississauga Jen Wynne Sr. Analyst, Environmental Sustainability Program Lead 12 Hôpital Glengarry Memorial Hospital Alexandria Louise Quenneville Emergency Preparedness Coordinator 13a Childrens Hospital of Eastern Ontario - CHEO Ottawa Kim Greenwood Facilities Manager 13b Curtis Lavoie (Dr) Emergency Room Physician 14 Chartwell’s The Wynfield Long Term Care Home. Oshawa Shelly Rainford Environmental Services Manager 15 Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital Windsor Richard White Director of Facilities and Support 16 Jason Schneider Supervisor, Environmental Services

4 Session Objectives Housekeeping updates – Mentoring logo
Review any questions from last webinar: Assessing Climate-Related Risks (Q 41-52) Discuss: Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q53-64) Prepare for Session #6: (Q 65-78) Building Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change Sustainable health care and climate change mitigation Reminder – Mentoring Call Schedule

5 1. Housekeeping STILL waiting on: Photo and Job Title/Organisation
STILL waiting on: Photo and Job Title/Organisation Entry Survey (required for funder reporting)

6 2. Review Items Log into Checklist
Contact us if you wish help to review any previous slides Don’t panic if it isn’t all coming together or is delayed Reach out to your fellow mentees Reminders Resource Guide – NOW AVAILABLE Does anyone want to do a ppt presentation to new team members?

7 2. Review Items Preparing Health Care Facilities for Climate Change – Resource Guide “Publications” Section at: Does anyone want to do a ppt presentation to new team members?

8 2. Review Items 2020 Health Care Climate Challenge Champions Awards
Canadian Coalition for Green Health Care GOLD- Climate Leadership University Health Network GOLD- Climate Resiliency GOLD- Climate Leadership Synergie Santé Environnement SILVER- Climate Leadership Does anyone want to do a ppt presentation to new team members? Collectively, the 2017 Climate Champions and other reporting participants have committed to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 16 million metric tons of CO2e.

9 3. Review Items: HC Resiliency Checklist
Section Subsection Questions Risk Assessment Assessing risks to inform emergency management and risk reduction strategies 14 Assessing risks to infrastructure and systems 5 Risk Management Risk Management to Reduce Climate-Related Risks 21 Procurement of Health Care Resources and Supplies 4 Notifications, Monitoring, and Surveillance 3 Clinical Risk Management Infrastructure and Systems Risk Management 8 Energy Supply and Use Building Capacity Sustainable Health Care and Climate Change Mitigation Total Questions: 78

10 3. Checklist: Instructions
This checklist includes closed and open-ended questions. For each question in the checklist, please respond using the spaces provided. You may require additional resources when responding to questions. Please use the following answer key to help guide your responses: “Yes” indicates commitment to action. Action needs to be completed or in progress. “Somewhat” indicates that action is planned but concrete action has not yet been taken. “No” indicates that no action is planned or that no action has been taken. “I don’t know” indicates that not enough information is available to respond. After each question, there is a text box for comments. Please use this space to provide additional information. For example, you may wish to document discussion points, reasoning for responses and/or to indicate if others should be consulted to help answer the question. In this next section you will start to use the the climate change risks you have identified.

11 3. Checklist: General Information ADVICE
Concentrate on going through thought process May not have all answers as of yet Don’t get discouraged Speed and covering ground isn’t everything Take your time … gradually influence sustainable change through actions of your team and organisation Remember to document how climate change is impacting your site (photos, videos, written notes, newspaper clippings) Document conversations w/key stakeholders (Emerg. team, facilities team, public officials, incident reports) In this next section you will start to use the the climate change risks you have identified.

12 3. Resiliency Checklist Outline
Part 1: Assessing risks to inform emergency management and risk reduction strategies (Q 1-14) Part 2: Assessing risks to infrastructure and systems (Q 15-19) Part 3: Risk Management to Reduce Climate-Related Risks (Q20-40) Part 4: Review Risk Management, Resources, Procurement, Notification, Surveillance, Clinical Risk Management (Q 41-52) Part 5: Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q53-64) Part 6: Building Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change (Q65-78)

13 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 53)
Do maintenance procedures of your health care facilities’ systems and infrastructure include specifications on how weather may affect the safety of your facility? Important to identify issues of extreme heat, cold, snow, ice, etc. AND update maintenance procedures with these newly identified threats in mind.

14 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 54) .
Are the individuals responsible for maintenance of your health care facilities’ systems and infrastructure adequately trained to manage a climate-related emergency or disaster (for examples of climate-related hazards, please refer to the hazards listed in question 1)? Have you trained your staff ? Have you given staff sufficient and appropriate resources to respond to impacts?

15 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 54)
Climate Risk Yes Somewhat No I don’t know This is not a risk for my region a. Extreme heat b. Extreme cold c. Extreme rain and snowfall d. Drought e. Wildfire f. Extreme weather – tornado g. Extreme weather – freezing rain, ice storm, hailstorm h. Extreme weather – thunderstorm, lightning i. Extreme weather – hurricane and related storms j. Extreme weather – avalanche, rock-, mud- and landslide, debris flow k. Rising sea level – coastal flooding; storm surges l. Permafrost melting m. Poor air quality and smog n. Food-borne contamination and/or diseases o. Water-borne contamination and/or diseases p. Vector-and rodent-borne diseases q. New and emerging infectious diseases RECAP from Session #1

16 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 55) .
Climate variability and change may gradually increase risks to facility infrastructures and systems. For example, water or air quality may worsen in your region and infrastructure may degrade more rapidly over time. Is regular maintenance of your health care facility carried out to address the following climate-related risks?

17 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 55)
Climate-related risk Yes Sometimes No I don’t know a. Water-borne contamination (e.g. impacting water for food services, drinking water, water for diagnostics and medical treatment, leading to growth of biological pathogens in water systems) b. Indoor air quality issues from heat or weather that lead to growth of biological pathogens or other toxic contaminants (e.g. chemicals that result from degradation of non-organic material) c. Air quality issues arising from a wildfire or smog event d. Damage to structural and non-structural elements from extreme weather e. Energy disruption from the local service provider or alternative energy sources E.g. Falling ice, branches

18 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 56)
Does your health care facility invest in infrastructural upgrades or redundancy measures to make your facility more resilient to extreme weather or longer-term gradual impacts from climate change (e.g. moisture build up, sea level rise)? It is great to IDENTIFY measures, but are you PLANNING and ADDRESSING the issues? If not, what will be the potential impacts/consequences?

19 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 57) .
If you answered yes or somewhat to the last question, has your health care facility allocated resources or invested in any of the following areas to make your health care facility more resilient to weather and related emergencies?

20 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 57)
Vulnerability Area Yes Sometimes No I don’t know a. Heating, ventilation, air conditioning, (e.g., chillers, window units, redundancy of systems such as connection to back-up power) b. Potable and non-potable water systems (e.g., cooling towers) c. Electricity supply from the local service provider or alternative energy sources (e.g. electricity, back-up generators, fuel supply, redundancy of systems) d. Functioning of machines, equipment and computers (e.g. equipment to diagnose and treat patients, surgical equipment, computers that store medical records) e. Energy/Power -- Communications channels (e.g., telephones, computers) f. Structural elements (e.g., pillars, floors, roofs) g. Non-structural elements (e.g., windows) E.g. Are patient records accessible?

21 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 58)
Does your health care facility have plans in place to address response and recovery issues related to areas listed in the question above?

22 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 59)
Hotter summers and longer periods of hot weather could have cost implications for your health care facility, for example, if air conditioning units will need to run at higher intensities and for longer periods of time. Do you consider how future climate variability, increasing utility or energy costs could affect costs to run equipment when developing future plans, strategies and programs (e.g. when investments are made)?

23 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 60)
If a climate-related emergency or disaster damaged your facility, is there a process to access sufficient funding to repair damages and return to normal operating capacity? Business continuity should be part of every plan. Consider making a Business Case to look at the incremental cost of replacing damaged equipment with ‘next best’

24 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 61)
Climate change may result in more power outages in your community which may result in increased frequency and / duration of power disruptions at your health care facility. Does your health care facility have an emergency energy (e.g. electricity, natural gas) plan? Increasing amount of equipment being tied to emergency generators. BUT challenging because emergency power capacity takes $$$ and space.

25 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 62)
In a climate-related emergency involving a power outage at your health care facility, does your facility have back-up power sources available to supply electricity to critical areas of your facility (e.g. medical equipment, light fixtures, or critical areas according to Accreditation Canada standards, or other legislative codes or policies)? Can you leverage GHG funding to make site more climate change resilient and more energy efficient while reducing GHG emissions?

26 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 63)
In Canada and in general, climate variability and change will lead to longer periods of hot weather and more extreme heat events. Cold related storms (ice-storms) and cold-snaps may persist. In the event of a power outage, does your facility have back-up power sources available to supply electricity used for heating and cooling health care facility building(s)?

27 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 64) .
Does your facility take the following actions to increase the ability of back-up energy systems to provide power in a climate-related event or emergency? Please respond to the items below.

28 3. Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use (Q 64)
Resiliency Activity Yes Sometimes No I don’t know a. Regularly test back-up energy generation systems b. Secure readily available back-up supplies of fuel for generators c. Conduct exercises to test staff readiness to protect generators/ensure generators function properly d. Secure access to resources required to respond adequately to a power-outage (e.g., maintenance staff, supplies for cleaning up flood waters) e. Determine if back-up generators, pumps and all necessary back-up energy supply equipment are in a flood area, and if so, relocate or protect f. Determine ahead of time which areas of the facility can be powered down and/or are non-critical when power is limited


30 4. Preparing for next Mentoring Call
Building Capacity to Adapt to Climate Change (Q65-78) Sustainable Health Care and Climate Change Mitigation

31 5. Resources Climate Change Resiliency Mentoring
About Climate Change - CCGHC

32 6. Mentoring Schedule 11:00 AM EST / 8:00 AM PST
Dates Topics Q #s #1 Wed Dec 6 Develop Site Team, Assess Local CC Risks, Feedback Loop, Resources #2 Wed Jan 17 Review Team Development & local CC Risks, Assess Climate-Related Risks 1-19 #3 Wed Feb 14 Review Risk Assessment Progress, Assess Risk Management 20-40 #4 Wed March 14 Review Risk Management, Resources, Procurement, Notification, Surveillance, Clinical Risk Management 41-52 #5 Wed April 18 Infrastructure/System Risk Management, Energy Use 53-64 #6 Wed May 9 Building Capacity, Sustainable Health, Mitigation 65-78 #7 Wed May 30 Review Building Capacity, Case Study Review, Exit Survey

33 6. Case Study Organisation Case Study 500 words Quote from CEO or other C-suite member 1-2 Photos w/captions Permission from CEO to share DRAFT September 1 Formal 10 min Presentation September 13 LATER – Co-Branded Coalition Case Study

34 6. Case Study Content Climate Change Impacts in your organisation
Organisation intro How has organisation has been impacted by climate change incidents? How did you immediately respond the impact? What has organisation done to prepare for future incidents? Quote from CEO Plans for moving forward Lessons learned Contact info

35 6. Mentoring Cohort #3 – Fall 2018
Climate Change Mentoring Cohort #3 October 2017 – February 2018 7 Webinars Case Study to promote organisation/facility Hands-on guidance One-on-One assistance Resources Recognized climate change expert mentors FREE 10-12 cohorts Hospital and LTC

36 Funding for the Climate Change Mentoring project is provided by:
An agency of the Government of Ontario, the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) is one of Canada’s largest granting foundations. With a budget of over $136 million, OTF awards grants to some 1,000 projects every year to build healthy and vibrant Ontario communities. For more information, please visit:

37 Questions? Contact Your Mentors:
Stewart Dankner Ed Rubinstein Linda Varangu Kent Waddington

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