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Group Members: Saif Ahmed, Claudia Ledesma & Sarah Rush

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Presentation on theme: "Group Members: Saif Ahmed, Claudia Ledesma & Sarah Rush"— Presentation transcript:

1 Group Members: Saif Ahmed, Claudia Ledesma & Sarah Rush
Reader’s Outpost Group Members: Saif Ahmed, Claudia Ledesma & Sarah Rush

2 Project Sponsor: Michael Moore, President
System Request Project Sponsor: Michael Moore, President Organization: Reader’s Outpost Phone:

3 Business Model & Background
Family owned bookstore since 1988 About $400,000 in annual sales Currently employees 3 full-time and 3 part-time employees Very well know in the local writer’s community Debt ratio has been maintained at a very low figure (20%) for the last 3 years Bookstore specialty is carrying rare finds Monthly book club meetings are conducted in the store All transactions are conducted on a manual cash register

4 Business Requirement Capture the data on book inventory, prices, author, sales transaction and employees Search books by authors, book id, genre, quantity being sold, price Ability to run reports and plot trend charts Track employee productivity based on books sold Instant access to profit margins on books and net sales Ability to track refunds electronically

5 Context Level DFD

6 Level 0 DFD

7 System Components

8 Entity Tables & Attributes
Entity: Books BookID AuthorID PublictionDate BookQuantity SkuNumber CatID BookPrice Entity: Author Author_Lname Author_Fname Entity: Genre CatID Cat_Name Entity: Employees EmployeeID Employee_Lname Employee_Fname EmployeeAddress PayRate HireDate Status Entity: Transaction TransactionID BookID QuantitySold SaleAmt Entity: Transaction Detail TransDate TotalAmount EmployeeID Sale_Return

9 E-R Diagram (Chen notation)

10 Entity Relationship Model (Crow’s foot)

11 Physical Design Books (BookID, BookTitle, AuthorID, PubDate, BookQty, SkuNumber, ISBN, CatID, BookCost, BookPrice) Employees (EmpID, Emp_Lname, Emp_Fname, Emp_Address, Emp_City, Emp_State, Emp_Zip, Hire_Date, Pay_Rate, Terminated, Term_Date) Transaction_Details (TransactionID, BookID, QtySold, Sales_Price) Transaction (TransactionID, TransDate, TotalAmount, EmpID, Sale_Return) Author (AuthorID, Author_Lname, Author_Fname) Genre (CatID, Cat_Name)

12 Structure Chart

13 Questions?

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