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The West: Exploiting an Empire

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1 The West: Exploiting an Empire
AP U.S. History Chapter 17 The West: Exploiting an Empire

2 Federal Indian Policy Western migration -No interest until 1850s
-California gold rush -Reservations Indian Wars -Sioux War of -Little Big Horn -Wounded Knee (1890) -Cultures destroyed

3 The Frontier “Great American Desert” -Grasslands
-Lack of water, timber Natives in the west -Nearly 250,000 -Some driven from east Life of Plains Indians -Nomadic, horses -Buffalo -Tribes squabbled


5 Opener (Friday, January 13th)
Current events day. Openers will be collected today from the first two weeks.

6 End of Tribal Life Assimilation: final step -Dawes Severalty Act
-Education, “Americanization” -Buffalo decimation Legacy of Policies -Reservation life -Poverty -West settled by 1900

7 Settling of the West Trails -Start in St. Louis -Six months or more
-Dangers Homestead Act (1862) -160 acres -128 million to RR’s -Speculation -Ranchers


9 Helen Hunt Jackson Reading
Summarize the main idea of this writing in 35 words (or less). According to Jackson, why do most Americans have a negative view of Native Americans? What is her explanation for the attacks by natives against white people? Why does she believe that natives must eventually have full citizenship? What things does she say must stop now and were they stopped? Example?

10 Opener (Tuesday, January 17th)
How has migration played a role in the formation of the United States as we know it?

11 Territories Scarcity of water -Limit on population
-Newlands Act (1902) Territorial Government -Similar to colonies -Appointed officials -Patronage system

12 Bonanza Mining First settlers in west -Prospectors (surface)
-Later, large corporations -Black Hills rush ( ) Instant cities -San Francisco, Tombstone -Miners, criminals, vigilantes -Foreigners -Chinese Exclusion Act (1882)


14 Opener (Wednesday, January 18th)
Why were many western towns considered very dangerous during the mid to late 1800s? Why did people continue to move and live there? **USI CAP applications due on Friday!

15 Farming Struggles Bonanza! -Mining/farming New Methods/Tools
-Barbed wire -New strains of wheat Discontent on Farms -Drought ( ) -Crop prices decline -Railroads overcharge -The Grange Final fling: Oklahoma

16 Opener (Thursday, January 19th)
Look over your notes and get ready for the quiz!

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