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Presented by Neutral Tandem John Butz Neutral Tandem Work:

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1 Inter-Carrier Wide-Band ITExpo LA, California Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Presented by Neutral Tandem John Butz Neutral Tandem Work: +1 (312) Mobile: (312) Web site: 1

2 Presentation Contents
Neutral Tandem Introduction Inter-Carrier HD Challenges Addressing Inter-Carrier Issues Open Discussion Neutral Tandem Confidential

3 Neutral Tandem Market Coverage
118 operational markets as of Q3’09 including 93 of the top 100 MSAs We cover 73% of the US population We cover 83% of competitive mobile and competitive landline numbers Spokane Portland Eugene Boise Sacramento Reno San Francisco Fresno Las Vegas Los Angeles Salt Lake City Colorado Springs Albuquerque Denver San Diego Phoenix Tucson Oklahoma City Tulsa Little Rock Dallas Austin San Antonio Lafayette Jackson Birmingham Mobile New Orleans Gainesville Tampa Ft. Myers Orlando Jacksonville Charleston Atlanta Greenville Columbia Puerto Rico Kansas City Omaha Des Moines Springfield St. Louis Memphis Nashville Knoxville Louisville Bloomington, IN Indianapolis CHICAGO Minneapolis Milwaukee Detroit Cleveland Buffalo Pittsburgh Columbus Cincinnati New Hampshire Boston Albany Rhode Island Connecticut New York New Jersey: Camden Newark Atlantic City Philadelphia Baltimore Washington D.C. Richmond Raleigh Charlotte San Luis Obispo Bakersfield Savannah Waco Corpus Christi Brownsville Scranton Altoona Green Bay Headquarters and NOC Operational Planned for Development Houston Miami Seattle We plan to add another 30 markets in 2009 We do significant business with wireless carriers (north of 60%) We view wireless as a strategic focus area for the company

4 Neutral Tandem Network Reach
Operator 2 Operator 1 Operator 3 Operator “n” Operator 4 Market 2 Market 1 CLEC Cable MSO Traditional Fixed MNO Market “n” VoBB Market 4 Market 3 Network Reach and Scale 118 Markets 450 Million “On-net” TNs 1900 Class-5 and MSCs 318 Incumbent Tandems 7 Billion Minutes/Month Attached to this network are a number of key MSOs, CLECs, Mobile Network Operators, and VoBB players After starting out with local transit service in various markets, we interconnected our markets using IP backbone and Sonus softswitching technology to extend our services to provide seamless national transit The network essentially is one logical national IP-switch fabric. Intelligence is essentially deeply distributed as are ports Architecture allows for a very unique routing schema. The architecture is very flexible and amenable to target certain specific portions of this distributed

5 Neutral Tandem Services Overview
Local Transit Service (LTS) Inter-Carrier within a LATA National Transit Service (NTS) Inter-Carrier Between LATAs Intra-Carrier Between LATAs Toll Free By-Pass Service (OCS) Service for Originating Carriers Tandem Bypass for Toll Free Service Routing Revenue Share Arrangement Long Distance Termination (TSA) Service for LD Carriers to by-pass LEC access tandems price regime

6 Inter-Carrier HD Challenges
Inter-Connect Challenges: Bi-Lateral Arrangements Accomplishing Scale SBCs SIP Compatibility Issues Settling / Clearing Bandwidth / QoS / Call Quality Authentication / Security Regulatory / Access No standards…multiple independent implementations What were your issues?

7 Adjacent Solutions SIP Interconnection Existing Dial-Plans
One Connection: Broad Reach SIP peering: Public or Private Existing Dial-Plans Customer Familiarity No special directories Network Routing “Off-Net” Calls route wide-band to other HD carriers High-Quality Network Managed SIP Voice over IP Network Future Path to Higher-Bandwidth Multi-Service solution grows as your customers demands expand Access to White Label Apps Innovative, Web 2.0 Messaging and Voice Applications in Wide-Band Inter-Carrier TelePresence Inter-Carrier Video Calling Inter-Carrier Wide-Band Calling Inter-Carrier PSTN Calling

8 Thank You for the opportunity to speak today!

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