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What to do when you don’t have a clue.

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Presentation on theme: "What to do when you don’t have a clue."— Presentation transcript:

1 What to do when you don’t have a clue.
Terry A. Ring Chemical Engineering University of Utah

2 First Job MS ChE at UC Berkeley, BS ChE Clarkson
Well educated in traditional unit operations 1st Project Develop Mass and Energy Balance for Alumina from clay Acid Leach process using a computer before ASPEN exists 2nd Project Tabular Al2O3 – used for Molten Steel Ladles

3 Tabular Alumina Project
Dryer 200C Shaft Kiln 1800C Hot Hot Gas H2O Al2O3

4 2nd Project Rotating Pan Nodulizer for Al2O3 Process Variables
Control Pellet Size Minimize Dust Generated Minimize Water Used Minimize Additives Used Minimize Pore Volume Process Variables Pan (1 m pilot, 5 m plant) RPM of Pan Pan Angle Spray Configuration Alumina feed point Ratio of Alumina to water fed Dryer then Conveyor Drying Temperature Airflow Rate Shaft Kiln Sintering Temperature Holding Time Project finished in 3 mo.

5 Getting Started Call Plant and Talk to Engineer
Did not really know much Relies on Operator to run Pan Nodulizer Call Plant and Talk to Operator Everything controls Everything Call Technician who Ran the Pilot Plant Water and pan angle and RPM control nodule size Literature Search 1 paper - P. Somasundaran and D. Feustenau 1 PhD thesis - P. Somasundaran and D. Feustenau

6 Fm (x,t) – Cumulative Mass Distribution
P. Somasundaran and D. Feustenau

7 What to do? Short Time for the Project – 6 months
No ChE Background that is useful! No literature that is useful! No people to help!

8 What to do? Short Time for the Project – 6 months
No ChE Background that is useful! No literature that is useful! No people to help! So complain at lunch to fellow employees

9 Design of Experiments Lunch Companion Corporate Librarian Saved Me
I think you might try statistically designed experiments We had a consultant come to talk about this two years before you joined the company. I do not know much about what the consultant said. Corporate Librarian Saved Me

10 Other Names Statistically Designed Experiments
Design of Experiments (DOE) Factorial Design of Experiments ANOVA Analysis of variance : A mathematical process for separating the variability of a group of observations into assignable causes and setting up various significance tests.

11 Comparison I Design of Experiments Traditional Experimentation Tests
Theory Correlation Develop a new End up with a mathematical understanding of experimental results based on engineering fundamentals and process variables

12 Comparison I Design of Experiments Traditional Experimentation
Determines if Process Variables are important (significant ) compared to experimental errors Develops a mathematical relationship for experimental results based upon process variables No Theory is developed or tested Allows predictions for all process variables within ranges used in experimentation Allows Process Optimizations! Understand the requirements on processing conditions needed to meet production specifications Tests Theory Develop a new Theory End up with a mathematical understanding of experimental results

13 How is this approach different?
Design of Experiments Traditional Experimentation Do a series of experiments changing one variable at a time 5 Process Variables (PV) RPM of Pan Pan Angle Spray Configuration Alumina feed point Ratio of Alumina to water fed 4 different values for each PV Number of Experiments 5^4= 625 experiments 2 experiments/day ~ 1 yr work

14 How is this approach different?
Design of Experiments Traditional Experimentation Do a series of experiments changing all variables at the same time 5 Process Variables (PV) RPM of Pan Pan Angle Spray Configuration Alumina feed point Ratio of Alumina to water fed 2 levels for PV plus multiples of center point Number of Experiments 25+1= 64 experiments 2 experiments/day ~ 1 month work Do a series of experiments changing one variable at a time 5 Process Variables (PV) RPM of Pan Pan Angle Spray Configuration Alumina feed point Ratio of Alumina to water fed 4 different values for PV Number of Experiments 54= 625 experiments 2 experiments/day ~ 1 yr work Get the job done within the deadline! Fail to get job done on schedule!

15 Different Nomenclature
Effects of PVs Process Variables - Need low and high values RPM of Pan Pan Angle Spray Configuration Alumina feed point Ratio of Alumina to water fed Scaled PVs ( -1 to +1) original X value and converts to (X − a)/b, where a = (Xh + XL)/2 and b = (Xh−XL)/2 Responses, Ri’s Diameter of Nodules Water Content of Nodules Pore Volume Dust in Dryer Sintering Temperature Effect Ei = [Σ Ri (+) – Σ Ri (-) ]/N Variance (StDEV2) Run Expts in Random Order Analyze Data Software Stat-ease, MiniTab Response Surface Ri = E1 X1 + E2 X2 + E3 X3+ … +E11 X12 + E22 X22 + E33 X32 + … +E12 X1 X2 + E13 X1 X3 + E23 X2 X3 + … +E123 X1 X2 X3 Response Surface Map Data in Cube

16 Response Surface Map Bleaching Cotton
Effects (PVs) % NaOH %H2O2 Temp Time Responses Reflectance Higher is best Fluidity > 6 is useful product

17 Steps for DOE Identify process variables
Often more PVs than you initially think are important Identify the range for each process variable High Low Scale Process Variables Set up experimental matrix (+,-,-), (+,+,-),(+,-,+), (+,+,+) Randomize Experiments Identify Responses to be measured for each process variable Run Experiments Analyze Experimental results, put results into ANOVA Compare responses to experimental uncertainty (F-test) Remove insignificant process variables Calculate Response mathematics Ri = E1 X1 + E2 X2 + E3 X3+ … +E11 X12 + E22 X22 + E33 X32 + … +E12 X1 X2 + E13 X1 X3 + E23 X2 X3 + … +E123 X1 X2 X3 Use for Process Optimization Use for 6-sigma Identify the range that a PV can vary and keep product within specification

18 Nodulizer Results Nodule Diameter Dust Production
Important Effects (in order of importance) Water to alumina ratio RPM Pan angle (just above expt. errors) Dust Production Additive concentration Technician was correct.

19 Results Pore Volume Sintered Density Water Control is Critical!
Important Effects Pan RPM Water to alumina ratio Additives Sintered Density Sintering Time Water Control is Critical! IR water sensor and control system story

20 Project 3 $1 million (1974 $s) in fuel savings ($5 million 2015 $s)
Found Synergism between additives Decreased time/energy needed to sinter by ½ Lowered Operating costs to produce US Patent 4,045,234 “Process For Producing High Density Sintered Alumina” $1 million (1974 $s) in fuel savings ($5 million 2015 $s) How much was I paid for this work?

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