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Bridging State Policy to Local Implementation

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1 Bridging State Policy to Local Implementation
Chris Bradt, Senior Program Manager Contra Costa Climate Leaders March 8, 2018

2 MISSION To provide exceptional services, programs, and tools that encourage the intelligent use of energy VALUES Team—we employ exceptional people and foster a culture of collaboration and safety across our enterprise Relationships—we forge strong personal connections with our clients to deliver the solutions that best fit their needs Integrity—we conduct business in a transparent manner and deliver precise, comprehensive, and unbiased information Planet—we are committed to environmental stewardship VISION Preserving resources for current and future generations

3 Discussion Outline State and Local Goals and Policies
Financial Incentives Programs and Resources Timing and Sequencing Local Opportunities

4 State and Local Goals and Policies
Clean Energy  Renewable Portfolio Standard Zero Net Energy  2019 Building Energy Efficiency Standards Economic Development and Sustainable Communities  Community Development Plans, Climate Action Plans, Resiliency Plans

5 Financial Incentives for Solar PV
What’s no longer available CSI (California Solar Initiative) & MASH (Multifamily Affordable Solar Housing) rebates CREBs & QECBs (Clean Renewable Energy & Qualified Energy Conservation Bonds) What won’t work for PV CAEATFA/CHEEF (California Advanced Energy and Alternative Transportation Finance Authority / California Hub for Energy Efficiency Financing) On-Bill Pilots for Single Family, Multifamily, and Small Businesses


7 Financial Incentives for Solar PV
What will work for municipal buildings Tax exempt bonds and credit options CHEEF On-Bill Non-Residential Pilot Launching 2018/2019 Loans, Leases, Energy Service Agreements, Equipment Finance Agreements 70%+ must be distributed generation, energy efficiency, or demand response Contact CAEATFA with interest: (916) Precedent in other states for local utility tariffed on-bill programs PSNH used Pay As You Save® model for municipal energy projects

8 Financial Incentives for Solar PV
What will work for residential and commercial buildings PACE (Property Assessed Clean Energy) Assessments Unsecured Financing Products My own reroof ($15K) and solar project ($18K pre FITC): Financed monthly payment post FITC: 3% over 12 yrs Electric savings $ /mo Net cost: $120/mo (over 12 yrs, that’s ~$17K, essentially the cost of my roof)

9 Programs and Resources
Municipal Programs BayREN Municipal ZNE Technical Assistance No cost zero net energy (ZNE) engineering analysis Helps design teams to identify ZNE efficiency opportunities Focuses on municipal buildings already funded for construction BayREN ZNE TA analysis on impact of efficiency upgrades on PV system size for Richmond municipal project

10 Programs and Resources
Residential Programs BayREN Energy Advisor - Now single family, commercial later this year Free no obligation service to help with questions like: Have you already addressed efficiency to lower electric usage? Is the home going to need to a new roof anytime soon? Do you plan to add electric load in the near future (electric vehicle, hot tub, second AC unit)? SmartSolar & EnergySage - Online quotes from multiple, pre-screened installers Compare offers in an apples-to-apples way

11 Timing and Sequencing Policies
Net energy metering (NEM) – credit for energy your PV sends to the grid Systems connected to grid today qualify for NEM 2.0 California Public Utilities Commission to consider NEM 3.0 in 2019 Federal Income Tax Credit (FITC) 30% of qualifying system costs through 2019 Drops to 26% in 2020 and then 22% in 2021 Construction “Reduce before you produce” still results in lower project costs, or… Allows additional/other electric loads with the same roof space

12 Local Opportunities Install PV now when you know the economics work… … through they probably still will under NEM 3.0 and a lower FITC Lobby CAEATFA/CHEEF to launch Municipal PV On-Bill pathway… … and then use it Prepare builders and buyers of new homes for a PV… … and maybe ZNE future Which brings us back to…

13 2019 Building Energy Efficiency Standards
Tensions for ZNE PV is cost effective offset to electricity Grid harmonization & summer peak production Major shifts for residential low rise new construction Requires PV or community solar/renewable systems PV generation sized to meet annual electric load of mixed fuel home Prescriptive path approved for heat pump water heaters Performance path requires Energy Design Rating with Solar


15 Thank you Chris Bradt, Senior Program Manager

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