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Starter: KEY QUESTION: Is there a difference between fitness and health? Discuss the health and fitness profiles of the characters on the cards. Health.

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Presentation on theme: "Starter: KEY QUESTION: Is there a difference between fitness and health? Discuss the health and fitness profiles of the characters on the cards. Health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starter: KEY QUESTION: Is there a difference between fitness and health? Discuss the health and fitness profiles of the characters on the cards. Health profiles available at

2 Learning goals: Understand the difference between health and fitness.
Recall the 4 types of pathogens that cause disease.

3 Health The definition of health by the World Health Organization (WHO) is: "Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."

4 Disease any deviation from the normal structure or function of any body part, organ, or system that is manifested by a characteristic set of symptoms.

5 Challenge: On the cards write as many diseases as you can.
How could you sort those diseases? Infectious/non-infectious, part of body, caused those.

6 Categorising diseases
Self-inflicted Deficiency Sexually transmitted Associated with poor/rich countries Mental or physical Age Zoonotic Genetic Infectious Which body part they effect Prion diseases

7 Parasites Organisms that live in or on another organism (the host).

8 Tongue-eating fish parasite!


10 Pathogens Organisms that cause disease. Viruses Fungi Bacteria

11 Challenge Using the textbooks available and the internet complete the table to compare diseases caused by the types of pathogens.

12 Type of pathogen How the type of pathogen causes disease. Examples of pathogen Disease caused by pathogen Bacteria Viruses Fungi Protoctista

13 Plenary: Without showing anyone write a question about microbes on the card and the answer to the question on the back. Circulate the room asking your question to other members of the class. If they get the question correct swap cards with them and repeat!

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