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Presentation on theme: "STOICHIOMETRIC RELATIONS"— Presentation transcript:

Introduction To The Particulate Nature of Matter and Chemical Change

2 MATTER Mass Volume Particles Particles in constant motion

3 Contain 1 type of particles Contain different types of particles
MATTER Pure Matters ELEMENTS COMPOUNDS Mixtures Homogeneous (SOLUTIONS) Heterogeneous Suspension Emulsion Aerosol Contain 1 type of particles Contain different types of particles Have 1 type of molecule with different atoms Have 1 type of atom S – L L – L S – G L – G

4 MATTER Exercise 4, Test yourself pg 7 ELEMENT COMPOUND MIXTURE Pure
Not pure Contain 1 type of atom Contain 1 type of molecule with different atoms Contain different types of particles Shown by symbols Shown by formula No specific figures - Constant ratio btw components No fixed ratio btw components Homogeneous Homogeneous Homogeneous or Heterogeneous Fixed phys. properties Fixed phys. properties Not fixed properties - Formed/separated by chemical methods Formed/separated by physical methods Exercise 4, Test yourself pg 7

5 STATES OF MATTER Solid Liquid Gas + heat + heat + heat - heat - heat
Endothermic + heat Sublimation Melting Boiling + heat + heat Solid Liquid Gas Freezing Condensation - heat - heat - heat Deposition exothermic

6 STATES OF MATTER Solid Liquid Gas + heat + heat
Fixed volume No shape Fixed volume Fixed shape No fixed volume No shape Solid + heat Liquid + heat Gas From solid to liquid Volume generally increases Density generally decreases Inter-particular forces get weaker Total energy increases. Randomness increases.

7 CHANGES OF STATE Heating Graph of a pure substance Temperature(t, °C)
Heat (Q, j) L G t2 S L t1 t0 S I II III IV Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4

8 Equality between reactants and products
CHEMICAL EQUATIONS A(s) + B(l)  C(aq) + D(g) (s): Solid (l): Liquid (g): Gas (aq): Aqueous solution Reactants Products Equality between reactants and products

9 CHEMICAL EQUATIONS Balancing Equations NaOH + H2SO4  Na2SO4 + H2O
Exercises 1, 2, 3, 5 Test yourself pg 6


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