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The Modern Era 1968-1992.

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Presentation on theme: "The Modern Era 1968-1992."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Modern Era


3 Richard Nixon

4 Major Events 1972 visit to communist China.
Opened China to American markets (shift towards communism). Watergate Scandal Resignation for president Major Events



7 Gerald Ford

8 Major Events Severe economic recession.
Victim of two assassination attempts. Pardoned former President Nixon for any wrong doing in the Watergate scandal. Major Events


10 Camp David Accords, a peace agreement between Egypt and Israel in 1978.
Refuse to send the Shah (Leader) back to Iran Iran Hostage Crisis (52 Americans held hostage for 444 days) Major Events

11 Jimmy Carter


13 Iran Hostage Crisis



16 Ronald Reagan

17 Pursued an economic policy critics called “Reaganomics”; included tax breaks and budget cuts.
“Reaganomics” or “trickle-down” economics—benefitted wealthy while punishing the poor. Iran-Contra Scandal (Hostages for weapons) the fall of the communist Soviet Union “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” (Berlin Wall) Cold War ends! Reunification of Germany Ronald Reagan






23 George H. W. Bush

24 Major Events Reagan’s Vice President
Persian Gulf War (the 1st Iraqi War). US sends in troops to help Kuwait after Iraq attacks. Major Events


26 Richard “Bill” Clinton

27 Major Events Beat Bush in presidential election (1992)
Signed trade agreement with Mexico and Canada (NAFTA) Affair with intern (Monica Lewinsky) Also impeached from presidency Terror in US (Oklahoma City bombing and Columbine High School) Major Events

28 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

29 Clinton Impeached for Perjury

30 George W. Bush

31 Major Events 2000 Election (did not win popular vote)
9/11 (September 11, 2001) Operation Enduring Freedom War of Terrorism Major Events



34 America’s New Threat: International Terrorism

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