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Vocabulary Act II The Crucible.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary Act II The Crucible."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary Act II The Crucible

2 Definitions & Synonyms

3 wily Cunning, tricky

4 pallor Wanness, paleness

5 conjure To call upon or command; to bring into existence by magic

6 dote To adore, worship To bestow excessive love

7 ameliorate To alleviate, to make more bearable

8 calamity A catastrophe, a disaster

9 indignant Incensed, expressing anger at something offensive

10 lechery Lewdness, lust

11 poppet A rag doll

12 pious Devout, faithfully religious

13 crone A hag; a shrew

14 subservient Servile, compliant, submissive

15 evasive Tending to avoid escape; dodging; deceptive

16 daft Nutty, unhinged, bonkers, insane

17 flail To thrash; to search in frustration; to swing

18 Antonyms

19 base Morality, nobleness, goodness

20 falter To persevere, to go ahead, to move forward

21 tarnish or scoff To compliment, to praise

22 concede To challenge, refute, or reject

23 pretense Frankness, candidness, straighforwardness

24 ineptly Adequately, skillfully

25 contempt Admiration, respect, regard

26 conviction An uncertainty, a misgiving

27 ameliorate To worsen, to hinder

28 lechery Chastity, decency, modesty

29 dote To abhor, despise, detest

30 calamity Blessing, good fortune, happiness

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