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World History 2/12-2/16.

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Presentation on theme: "World History 2/12-2/16."— Presentation transcript:

1 World History 2/12-2/16

2 Math Minute 2/12—Get out phone and get to Kahoot
Math Minute 2/12—Get out phone and get to—be ready for review Complete the table. 2. If 3a – 7 > 14, which of these could a be? a b c d. –8 3. If y = x3 and x = –3, then what does y equal? = = 6. (–6)(–7) – 1 = 9. Find x if 4𝑥 5 =20. 10. In the equation y = 2x + 3, find y if x = 4. Answers

3 Agenda 2/12/Essential Questions
BW—Math Minutes Kahoot Word Wall Review 4th – 7th Atomic Bomb Activity 7th quiz make-up if needed 8th Finish notes and take EQ Quiz #2 EQ-49 How can one describe the contributions and roles of leaders during the war, including Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Emperor Hirohito, Hideki Tojo, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Joseph Stalin, Harry Truman, Douglas MacArthur, and Dwight Eisenhower? EQ-51 How can one analyze the decision to use nuclear weapons to end World War II? EQ-53 What were the goals, leadership, and postwar plans of the principal allied leaders: the Atlantic Conference, Yalta, and the Potsdam Conference using text evidence?

4 Atomic Bomb Activity—Preview Questions—On a new Sheet of Paper.
Should there be moral rules in war? Who should decide what the moral boundaries are? Was the United States right to drop Atomic Bombs on Japan? Explain your answer. Moral--concerned with the principles of right and wrong behavior and the goodness or badness of human character.

5 Atomic Bomb Activity—Procedures—You will 1 sheet of Paper.
Part 1 Each of you will receive a specific role. On your paper write the Name and position of the role you represent. On your paper write 2-3 sentences explaining if you character is in favor or against dropping the bomb—explain your answer. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

6 Atomic Bomb Activity--Procedures
Part 2 You will meet with a group a similar people. In your group will discuss what should be done to try to end the war with Japan. You will each need to take notes of your discussion on your own paper. You will present your decisions to President Truman who will be the final decision maker. This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

7 Atomic Bomb Activity--Procedures
Groups Truman—meet with Ms. Higbe Political Appointees - Byrnes, Stimson, Bard, Conant, Bush Scientists - Oppenheimer, Compton, Teller, Szilard, Franck Generals - Marshall, Leahy, Eisenhower, Groves, Arnold

8 Allied War Conferences
The allied leaders met multiple times to discuss the war plans but also for what would happen after the War Atlantic Charter—post war plan including self-determination for countries. Yalta Conference—FDR want democratic countries in Eastern Europe—Stalin wants communist countries. Potsdam Conference-US demands free elections in Eastern Europe—but know Stalin may not actually allow for that. – beginning of the Cold War.

9 Germany divided After the war Germany was divided into 4 zones of occupation—help by the allies. As the Cold War grew the Soviets blocked supplies into Berlin. The US Airlifted supplies to break the blockade.

10 Post War Recovery After the war plans to help in the recovery of Europe and to try to gain world peace were attempted. The United Nations---an organization like the League of Nation. A place for nations to discuss and negotiate before going to war The Marshall Plan—US economic aid to the countries of Europe to rebuild after the war—Billions of $$$ to countries who asked—helped their economies recover—also hoped it would stop the spread of Communism in Europe. NATO/WARSAW PACT—Cold War divisions become more apparent. NATO—US and its allies agree to defend each other if attacked—WARSAW Pact—Soviets answer to NATO


12 AGENDA BW—ACT Prep Word Wall Quiz Present Atomic Bomb Activity Reflection Questions Chapter 18 Section 1 ---Vocabulary and Guided Questions (Jigsaw)

13 Chapter 18 Section 1 ---Vocabulary and Guided Questions
AGENDA BW—ACT Prep Word Wall Kahoot Chapter 18 Section 1 ---Vocabulary and Guided Questions

14 Question1: Not so long ago, African Americans were still considered second class citizens in many parts of the South. Answer A. were still considered as second class citizens B. we're still considered second class citizens C. were, still considered, second class citizens D. No Change

15 Question 2: They had to use different washrooms than white people, eat in different restaurants, and drank out of different water fountains. Answer A. had drunk out of different water fountains. B. drink out of different water fountains. C. to drink out of different water fountains. D. No Change

16 Question 3: The practice of blacks giving up their seats on buses changed due to the actions of a woman, by the name of Rosa Parks, now considered an essential figure in the Civil Rights Movement. Answer A. woman by the name of Rosa Parks, now considered B. woman by the name of Rosa Parks now, considered C. woman by the name of, Rosa Parks, now considered D. No Change

17 Question 4: A white man boarded a bus, but Rosa Parks did not follow the rules and move to the back. Besides, she remained seated and refused to move. Answer A. However B. Instead C. Then D. No Change

18 Question 5: The bus company almost went bankrupt during the boycott, and the African American community achieved their goal by negatively impacting the bus's company's profit margin. Answer A. the bus company B. the bus companies’ C. the bus company’s D. No Change

19 Correct Answers 1. D 2. B 3. A 4. B 5. C

20 Kahoot Go to Tomorrow’s quiz will cover #11-20 and 5 chosen from #1-20

21 Chapter 18 Vocabulary and Guided
Get out a new sheet of paper—Be sure you put your name and period on it. Label it COLD WAR—Chapter 18 Do the Vocabulary and answer the questions on the Paper Due tomorrow ABSOLUTLEY NO TALKING

22 Atomic Bomb Activity--Procedures
Possible Decisions Regarding the War with Japan Continue conventional and fire bombing Japan in hopes they will surrender Continue conventional and fire bombing Japan and then invade Japan Drop Atomic bombs near Japan as a demonstration explosion or a specific warning Drop the Atomic bombs on Japan without warning. ***Your group must give 3 reasons for your final choice.**** This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

23 Atomic Bomb Activity--Procedures
Presentation/Debate Each group will have 2-3 minutes to present their position to President Truman. President Truman can ask questions of the group Debate—Groups will be given a change to freely debate their presentations in front of the President. The President will announce his decision based on the presentations—This may be different than the historical reality. ***Your group must give 3 reasons for your final choice.**** This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

24 Atomic Bomb Activity--Reflection
On your paper write well-written paragraphs that include the following—Be sure to back up your answer with evidence from your book, the information presented and your own ideas. Do you agree with President Truman’s decision? Was the decision a moral one? Does any country have the right to use weapons of mass destruction on another country? This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

25 Need to Know 2/14/18 1. Using the picture and your prior knowledge, what was the primary goal of the Berlin Wall? The keep West Berlin refugees out of Communist East Berlin To keep East Berlin refugees out of Democratic West Berlin To prevent the Allied Powers from attacking East Berlin To prevent Soviet forces from attacking West Berlin 2. In your own words, explain the purpose of the Truman Doctrine and the Marshall Plan. (hint--the main goal of all US policies during the Cold War was to stop communism)

26 Atomic Bomb Activity--Reflection
On your paper write well-written paragraphs that include the following—Be sure to back up your answer with evidence from your book, the information presented and your own ideas. Do you agree with President Truman’s decision? Was the decision a moral one? Does any country have the right to use weapons of mass destruction on another country? This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

27 Chapter 18 Vocabulary and Guided
Get out a new sheet of paper—Be sure you put your name and period on it. Label it COLD WAR—Chapter 18 Do the Vocabulary and answer the questions on the Paper Due tomorrow ABSOLUTLEY NO TALKING

BW—NEED TO KNOW Atomic Bomb Reflection Questions Read Ch. 18 section 1 10 minutes Chapter 18 Section Vocabulary and Guided Questions- jigsaw with a group EQ-58 What were the economic and military power shifts caused by the World War II, including the Yalta Pact, the development of nuclear weapons, Soviet control over Eastern European nations, and economic recoveries in Germany and Japan? (CCRL-3) EQ-55 What was the nature of reconstruction in Europe after 1945, including the purpose of the Marshall Plan, creation of NATO, and division of Germany?

BW—Political Cartoons—Word wall words Chapter 18 Section Vocabulary— Finish/Discuss as a whole class EQ-58 What were the economic and military power shifts caused by the World War II, including the Yalta Pact, the development of nuclear weapons, Soviet control over Eastern European nations, and economic recoveries in Germany and Japan? (CCRL-3) EQ-55 What was the nature of reconstruction in Europe after 1945, including the purpose of the Marshall Plan, creation of NATO, and division of Germany?

30 Which Word Wall Term—an US Cold war Policy- is best to describe these 2 cartoons
Bell Work 2/15

31 Bell Work 2/15 Which Word Wall Term—and Cold war event- is best to describe these 2 cartoons

BW—Mulitiple Chapter 18 Section Vocabulary— Finish/Discuss as a whole class EQ-58 What were the economic and military power shifts caused by the World War II, including the Yalta Pact, the development of nuclear weapons, Soviet control over Eastern European nations, and economic recoveries in Germany and Japan? (CCRL-3) EQ-55 What was the nature of reconstruction in Europe after 1945, including the purpose of the Marshall Plan, creation of NATO, and division of Germany?

BW—Practice EQ Questions. Chapter 18 Section 2 PPT Notes (not too many ) War in Asia Cold War at Home EQ-59 What were the origins of the Chinese Civil War, the rise of Mao Zedong, and the triumph of the Communist Revolution in China? EQ-57 What, using text evidence, were the functions of the Warsaw Pact, SEATO, NATO, and the Organization of American States? (CCWL-7) EQ-62 What was the Soviet-United States competition in Asia with particular attention to the Korean War and Vietnam War and describe the environmental changes due to carpet bombing, Napalm, and Agent Orange?

34 Bell Work 2/16 “NATO’s essential purpose is to safeguard the freedom and security of its members through political and military means.”- NATO website 1. Using the quote above and your prior knowledge, originally what did NATO want to protect its members from? a. The spread of capitalism into Eastern European nations b. The spread of communism into Western European nations c. The spread of African nationalism into the USA d. The spread of capitalism into Korea and Vietnam (EQ57)

35 Bell Work 2/16 “The Soviet Union and seven of its European satellites sign a treaty establishing the Warsaw Pact, a mutual defense organization that put the Soviets in command of the armed forces of the member states.” 2. Using the quote above and your prior knowledge, why did these 8 countries feel the need to unite after NATO was formed? a. To prevent the spread of capitalism and democracy into Eastern European nations b. To prevent the spread of communism into Western European nations c. To prevent the spread of African nationalism into Eastern Europe d. To prevent the spread of capitalism into Korea and Vietnam (EQ57)

36 THE COLD WAR: Communism Spreads Into Asia


38 Communists Take Power in China
Chinese Civil War: Before World War II, the Chinese were fighting a brutal civil war Chinese Communists vs. Chinese Nationalists During WWII these two groups temporarily united to fight the Japanese…but they continued to try to gain power in China

39 Communists Take Power in China
Mao Zedong = Leader of Communists Won loyalty of peasants through promoting literacy & improving food production By 1945 Communists controlled most of northern China

40 Communists Take Power in China
Nationalists Jiang Jieshi (also known as Chang Kai-shek) = Leader of Nationalists Dominated southwestern China U.S. sent financial aid to Nationalists to help fight Japanese BUT…fought very little against Japanese

41 Communists Take Power in China
Civil war resumed when World War II ended U.S. continued to back Nationalists with aid, but they lacked support of people – China fell to Communists

42 Communists Take Power in China
TWO CHINAS: Nationalists flee to island of Taiwan and establish a new gov’t (with help of US) called the Republic of China Mao Zedong/Communists gain control of China and establish People’s Republic of China Soviets give financial, military, and technical aid to Communist China

43 China Red Guard-Student mass paramilitary social movement mobilized by Mao Zedong in 1966 and 1967, during the Cultural Revolution. “paint everything red”

44 Zedong’s Red Guard- Goal was to eliminate old ideas and old culture

45 The Truman Doctrine GOAL: to aid “free peoples who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressure.” In the long run, it promised the US would fight the spread of Communism

46 Truman Doctrine “The Southeast Asia Collective Defense Treaty [SEATO], or Manila Pact, was signed on 8 September 1954 in Manila,[3] as part of the American Truman Doctrine of creating anti-communist bilateral and collective defense treaties.[4] These treaties and agreements were intended to create alliances that would contain communist powers”-

47 THE KOREAN WAR: The Forgotten War

48 The Korean War End of WWII North Korea Occupied by Soviet Union
Communist South Korea Occupied by United States Non-Communist Divided by 38th parallel 38th PARALLEL

49 Korean War Begins 1950, North Koreans (with help from Soviets) invaded South Korea South Korea asked the United States and the United Nations for help US helps out under General MacArthur

50 Then… UN forces push N. Korea across the 38th Parallel Neared China…
So the CHINESE army joined North Korean forces Why are they helping N. Korea?

51 Results? A cease-fire agreement was signed in July, 1953
More than 2.5 million people were dead GET THIS: The border between the two Koreas was still drawn at the 38th Parallel! 38th PARALLEL

52 Practice EQ Question—EXIT TICKET
Why did the United States and the Soviet Union occupy Korea? Japan controlled Korea until 1945 and the Soviet Union and the US agreed to occupy it following WW2 China controlled Korea until 1950 and asked the US and the Soviet Union to take temporary control The Soviet Union invaded Korea after WW2 and the US sent troops to protect it from communism The United States used dollar diplomacy to influence North Korea and the Soviets invaded to counteract American expansion (EQ62)

53 Today

54 The Vietnam War

55 Background 1900s – France controlled Vietnam
Nationalist Leader Ho Chi Minh asked for communist help France then fought the combined Nationalist and Communist forces United States supported France French surrendered to Ho Chi Minh

56 Division Peace Conference Vietnam was divided at 17th parallel
North – Communism South – anti-Communist Sound familiar? Vietcong – communist guerillas who continued to fight for power in south Should the U.S. get involved?

57 Division U.S. saw a rising threat to the rest of Asia…
The Domino Theory: Idea that if a nation falls to communism, nearby nations will also fall to communism

58 Vietnam War Soviet Union and China provided the North with money, soldiers, and weapons. (No nuclear weapons)

59 U.S. Troops Enter Fight 2 US boats were allegedly attacked by North Vietnamese (didn’t happen) 1964: Congress authorized president to send in troops By 1965, more than 185,000 U.S. soldiers in Vietnam By 1968 – more than ½ a million!

60 U.S. Troops Enter Fight US had most advanced military in the world BUT… Guerrilla war in unfamiliar jungle territory South Vietnamese gov’t became unpopular War unpopular in the US


62 Practice EQ Question-Exit Ticket
Using this picture and your prior knowledge, what was the primary impact of Agent Orange on Vietnam? a. It caused birth defects in humans b. It polluted key water sources within Vietnam c. It caused cancer in soldiers d. It destroyed farmland and forests (EQ62)

63 Practice EQ Question-Exit Ticket
What did the Soviet Union and China NOT provide to the North Vietnamese in the Vietnam War? Money Tanks, planes, artillery Soldiers Nuclear bombs (EQ62)

64 Result US troops gradually pulled out 1.5 million Vietnamese dead
Last left in 1973 1.5 million Vietnamese dead 58,000 Americans dead Saigon capital became: “Ho Chi Minh City” Communist today However, trade is welcomed there

65 Domino Theory Vietnam fell to communism and caused Cambodia to fall, proving the domino theory to be true

66 The Red Scare The search for spies escalated to a general fear of Communism

67 State and local governments, universities, businesses, unions, churches, and private organizations began to search out Communists Soviet Union successfully tested an atomic bomb and China fell to communism Many Americans began to believe their government had been infiltrated by Communists who had yet to be detected

68 Senator Joseph McCarthy
“While I cannot take the time to name all the men in the State Department who have been named as members of the Communist Party and members of the spy ring, I have here in my hand a list of 205 that were known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping the policy of the State Department.”




72 Brinkmanship- willingness to go to the brink of war to force the other side to back down
Many felt brinkmanship was too dangerous

73 Which helped more?? World War Two New Deal Program
Social Securities Act Civilian Conservation Corps Tennessee Valley Authority War time industries War time demands Increased demand of produce (farming)

74 GI Bill of Rights Provided education, medical care, job training, unemployment pensions, and compensation, and offered low mortgage loans to male and female war veterans.

75 Postwar prosperity

76 Baby Boom Estimated 77.3 million Americans born
Started 1946 , Ended 1964




80 Grand Ole Opry WSM-FM Found home in Nashville in 1943 Weekend shows



83 Desegregation of the Military
In 1948, President Harry S Truman's Executive Order 9981 ordered the integration of the armed forces Major advance in civil rights Using the Executive Order (E.O.) meant that Truman could bypass Congress

84 Jackie Robinson Played one season in the Negro Baseball League in 1945
In 1947, joined the Brooklyn Dodgers


86 Medical Miracles Radiation Treatments and chemotherapy for cancer
CPR for heart disease Pacemakers in 1952 Jonas Salk- cure for polio



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