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World Religious Beliefs, Common Symbols & Imagery: Hinduism

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1 World Religious Beliefs, Common Symbols & Imagery: Hinduism
AP World History Chapter 6

2 “Major” World Religions
Buddhism Christianity Confucianism Daoism Greco-Roman Philosophy & Gods Hinduism(s) Islam Judaism Zoroastrianism

3 What is Hinduism? A range of traditions / beliefs / practices with a common basis in the Vedic scriptures. Concept of “Hinduism” as a unified “religion” comes from Greek and Persian visitors who called India “Hindustan” (land of the Hindus) Om

4 Why Hinduisms? Malleable faith, adapting to 100s of local religions & customs Greater local acceptance Tolerant of co-existing customs Many gods exist in >1 form / incarnation No specific dogma (teachings) No single founder

5 “There are an infinite number of paths to, and manifestations of, the limitless One.” Upanishad

6 Is Hinduism Polytheistic? Monotheistic? Pantheistic? What?
Henotheism – devotion to a single god while accepting the existence of others Monotheism – only 1 deity/god exists Polytheism – many gods Panentheism – God exists and interpenetrates every part of nature Pantheism – God is synonymous with the material universe

7 Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva Hindu gods are manifestations of Brahman, notably: Brahma – Creator Vishnu – Preserver Shiva – Destroyer Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are not three independent Gods. They represent the same power as the Supreme Being, but are entitled with three different aspects. trimurti Everything in the Universe is in a state of creation, maintenance or destruction 7

8 Brahman The one supreme force, creator who is in all things
The ultimate, both transcendent and imminent The absolute infinite existence The sum total of all that ever is, was, or ever shall be. Lies outside the realm of human description, can only be sensed as a presence within oneself and the rest of the universe The universe is the manifes-tation, rather than the creation of God Individuals – Atman Goal of one’s life is to merge with Brahman.

9 Brahma the Creator Close parallel to Divine Force of Universe

10 Shiva Usually labeled “the Destroyer,” Shiva could also be called “the Transformer” Lord of Dance, Shiva as Nataraja.

11 Other images of Shiva

12 Other images of Shiva

13 Vishnu Preserver, Benevolent Concern for the world brings
him to earth as an “avatar” 10 avatars – including: Rama – the Just King Krishna – (Bhagavad Gita) Buddha – the teacher Kalkin – horseman who will bring an end to evil at the end of the age.

14 Other Deities Ganesh – God of wisdom, prosperity and good fortune, remover of obstacles

15 Lakshmi – goddess of wealth, prosperity

16 Devi, the Mother Goddess

17 Sacred Texts Vedas = “wisdom” or “knowledge,” most ancient oral traditions. (Vedic age = BCE) Upanishads = works of religious teach-ings ( BCE) literally “sitting at the feet of” stories Bhagavad Gita = “Song of the Lord” is read in the form of a dialogue between two characters and is considered to be the 6th book of the epic Mahabharata poem “Upanishads” literally means “a sitting in front of,” referring to the practice of disciples gathering before a sage for discussion of religious issues.

18 Upanishads Anti-Shallowness: Forget worldly concerns – riches & health

19 Upanishads Sample: Fetch me a fruit of the banyan tree. Here is one, sir. Break it. I have broken it, sir. What do you see? Very tiny seeds, sir. Break one. What do you see now? Nothing, sir. Continue story with salt & water – taste the top of the water- salty; middle- salty; bottom- salty. What does this say about Caste system. My son, … what you do not perceive is the essence, and in that essence the mighty banyon tree exists. Believe me, my son, in that essence is the self of all that is. That is the True, that is the self. 19

20 Common Beliefs Dharma = moral path Brahman = Universal soul
Moksha = permanent liberation from cycle of incarnation (Hinduism’s Moksha = Buddhism’s Nirvana) Samsara = reincarnation

21 Hinduism Today

22 Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, India
Hindu Temple Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, India

23 Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, India
Hindu Temple Khajuraho, Madhya Pradesh, India

24 Detail of Temple

25 Hinduism Basic Beliefs Common Images Hindu Sculpture
Hindu Architecture Hindu Painting

26 Relevant Vocabulary (you need to know)
ascetic (-ism) atman avatar (no, not the movie) bakhti dharma karma moksha samsara sanskrit & prakrit varna & jati

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