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Management Area ‘Status at a glance’

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1 Management Area ‘Status at a glance’
GFD-R publication Interoperability exp doc publication CDDLM-WG ACS-WG GFD-R.P publication UR-WG RUS-WG Public Comment Review Charter WG at OGF19 GLUE-WG 1

2 Management Area Workgroup Summary
CDDLM (config, description, deployment, lifecycle mgmt) Four independent implementations (HP, Softricity, NEC, UFCG) Interoperability experimental document Next steps: expect new chairs, topics TBD UR (usage record) Two independent implementations Next steps: interoperability document and a revision 2 RUS (resource usage service) Four independent implementations (GridSAM, UNICORE, SweGrid, DGAS) Next steps: Feature poll for a RUS “extended” specification on top of core RUS spec ACS (application contents service) 2 independent implementations (Business Grid, NAREGI/PSE) Next steps: discussions on enhanced interoperability, repository replication, and converged archive definition GLUE – new workgroup Abstract information model to facilitate interoperation between grid infrastructures Major revision of Glue 1.3; GIN demonstrated need; leverage OGF work Feed back to DMTF to incorporate Grid schema elements into CIM 2

3 Moving Management of Grids Forward
Supplement OGF Technical Strategy & Roadmap document through public comment Management framework Identify basic building blocks for management of grids: services, interfaces, protocols, info/data models Drive from GIN lessons learned, existing OGF landscape & roadmap materials, requirements, related SDO work Identify gaps Challenge Identify, define, and implement specifications / profiles for a staged set of usable and interoperable management pieces to move adoption of grids forward in a very time efficient manner Recognize not all work needs or should take place in management area 3

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