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The Odyssey By Homer Click here to listen to audio file--MP3.

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Presentation on theme: "The Odyssey By Homer Click here to listen to audio file--MP3."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Odyssey By Homer Click here to listen to audio file--MP3

2 Homer Poet Lived around 1200 B.C. Blind Wandering minstrel (singer)

3 What is an Epic? A long narrative poem that tells the adventures of a legendary hero who in some way embodies the values of their civilization. Tone and language

4 Characteristics of an Epic?
Impressive/important hero Vast setting Quest Supernatural Glorification of hero Specific culture and society

5 Characteristics of an Epic Hero?
Usually of high/noble stature Larger than life Embodies values of culture Extraordinary strength/intelligence Tragic flaw

6 How was an epic told? Most of the story was improvised Told aloud
Fit a particular rhythm Repetition and formulas Homeric similes used Epics are long—The Odyssey is over 11,000 lines!

7 Wrote The Illiad and The Odyssey
The Illiad tells of the tenth year of the Trojan war Between the Trojans and the Greeks The cause of the war—jealousy over a woman…

8 The Greeks finally won the war
Odysseus thought of a way to get into the walled city of Troy… The trick…the Trojan Horse

9 The Odyssey, Homer’s 2nd epic, tells of Odysseus, who is trying to get home after the war

10 Odysseus and his men act like pirates on their way home to Ithaca.


12 Human Characters Odysseus
(The Greeks in The Odyssey are often known as Acheans)

13 Human Characters Penelope—Odysseus’ wife

14 Human Characters Telemachus—Odysseus’ son

15 Human Characters Antinous—One of Penelope’s main suitors

16 Human Characters Alcinous—King of Phaeacia

17 Supernatural Creatures
Calypso--Beautiful nymph goddess

18 Supernatural Creatures
Circe— Enchantress and goddess

19 Supernatural Creatures
Polyphemus—one of the race of one-eyed giants

20 Supernatural Creatures

21 Supernatural Creatures
Charybdis—Female monster who sucks in water three times a day to form a deadly whirlpool

22 Supernatural Creatures
Scylla—female monster with six serpent heads, each with a triple row of fangs

23 Supernatural Creatures
Sirens—Sea nymphs whose beautiful music lures sailors towards danger

24 The Gods Zeus—The Most Powerful God.

25 The Gods Athena—favorite daughter of Zeus; goddess of wisdom as well as war and peace—a reflection of Odysseus’s best qualities

26 The Gods Hermes—Messenger god.

27 The Gods Helios—Sun god.

28 The Gods Poseidon—God of the sea; brother
of Zeus; Odysseus has traits similar to Poseidon

29 Themes in The Odyssey Search for Home Search for Self
Effects of Arrogance and….

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