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New World.

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1 New World

2 Shaping of North America
Supercontinent Contained all dry land Began to drift away Rocky Mtn. = “Roof of the America” Lake Bonneville Utah, Nevada, and Idaho Drained to the Pacific Ocean through Snake and Columbia Rivers Great Lake Remained


4 Peopling the Americas 35,000 yrs ago Bering Strait
Eurasia = North America Migratory herds Nomadic Asian hunters

5 Cont. 54 million people inhabited America’s Incas = Peru
Split into tribes 2,000 languages = diverse Incas = Peru Aztecs = Mexico 20 million Elaborate cities Commerce

6 Earliest Americans Agriculture Pueblo Size Sophistication of culture
Corn = Staff of Life Spread across America Transformation Pueblo Rio Grande = Irrigation Adobe Terraced buildings

7 Europeans Caravel = ship Portuguese Sugar plantations
Sail more closely into the wind Portuguese Trading posts along African shoreline Slaves / Gold Slave Brokers Sugar plantations Shape the New World


9 Cont. Spain takes over Portugal dominated Africa Spain looked westward
Ferdinand / Isabella Race for wealth Portugal dominated Africa Spain looked westward

10 Columbus Renaissance = 14th century Columbus = sailed for Spain
Compass Columbus = sailed for Spain 3 ships 6 weeks Oct. 12, 1492 Bahamas Global economic system emerged Europe, Africa, and New World

11 Worlds collide Columbian exchange New World Old World Exotic animals
Rattle snakes, iguanas Plants Corn, tomato, potato, tobacco Most important gift Changed economy Old World crops / animals / disease Seedlings of sugar cane, dandelions, daisies Horse

12 Conquistadores 1500’s Spanish Explorers Treaty of Tordesillas
dominant power Fanned out across Americas Treaty of Tordesillas Dividing Portugal and Spain

13 Explorers Vasco Nunez Balboa Ferdinand Magellan 1513 Panama
Pacific Ocean Ferdinand Magellan 1519 Tip of South America to Philippines 1st to sail around the world


15 Explorers Juan Ponce de Leon Francisco Coronado Hernando de Soto
Florida Francisco Coronado 1540 – 1542 Arizona / New Mexico / Kansas Grand Canyon / Rio Grande / Colorado River Buffalo Hernando de Soto Gold seeking / 600 men Mississippi

16 Explorers Hernan Cortes Aztecs 1519 Mexico Interpreters – Malinche
She helped the Spanish. Became Involved with Cortes- Had the first mixed child. Aztecs Noche triste – June 30, 1520 Disease Temples destroyed

17 Spanish America 160,000 Spaniards subjugated (Bring them under control) millions of Indians Printing Press Cathedrals English John Cabot 1497 Northeaster Coast of North America

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