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Presentation on theme: "PROGRESS of FAST NEUTRON FLUX MEASUREMENT in CJPL"— Presentation transcript:

School of Physical Science and Technology, Sichuan University CDEX Collaboration PROGRESS of FAST NEUTRON FLUX MEASUREMENT in CJPL  On behalf of Sichuan University CDEX Group Haoyang Xing 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

2 Outline Background Neutron in CJPL Neutron Detector Design
Fabrication of Detector Energy Calibration Detection Efficiency Calibration (Discrimination between γ and n) Next Work Summery 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

3 Background Neutron in CJPL
2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

4 Source and Characteristic
μ induced neutrons Spontaneous fission of U238 (α,n) reactions from U, Th series Low neutron flux <10-7 n/cm2/s. Energy range from thermal to some tens of MeV. Uranium, Thorium, Muon 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

5 Requirement of Detector
Therefore, to measure the neutron flux and energy spectra, we need: – A high sensitivity neutron detector. – Effective way to eliminate the gamma background since most of the neutron detectors are also sensitive to gammas. 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

6 Neutron Detector Design
2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

7 Neutron Spectrometer Characteristics
We can have several types of Neutron Detector 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

8 Liquid Scintillator Choice
Because of the low neutron flux, the liquid scintillator loaded with Gd is adopted to confirm a neutron event. Schematic diagram: PSD could be applied Fast and slow signal coincidence measurement p Gd γ n It show us 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

9 Configuration of Detector
LS : EJ335 PMT: R5912 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

10 Geometrical Simulation
200,000 Neutron Energy :10MeV Location&Direction: Outside of detector and point to detector To help design the detector, we did also Red, proton recoiling; Blue, captured by Gd Distance distribution 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

11 Fast-Slow event time simulation
For setting Time Window of Fast-Slow Identification. 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

12 Structure and Shape of LS Detector
The considered factors of Large Volume Detector : Fast-Slow coincidence Light collecting efficiency Effect from optic absorption length Two PMT 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

13 Fabrication of Detector
2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

14 Assembling and Shielding
Quartz glass container + EJ335 + Copper shield + Two PMTs Lead shield Quartz 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

15 DAQ system Diagram of DAQ system PMT1 PMT2 FIFO V1721 A2818 trigger
Voltage: left(PMT1): -850V right(PMT2): -880V Threshold of discriminator: channel1(PMT1) 10 (15mv) channel2(PMT2) 12 (15mv) Outgoing pulse width of discriminator: 140 ns Diagram of DAQ system PMT1 PMT2 FIFO V1721 A2818 trigger logical And Discriminator 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

16 Energy Calibration with Gamma Source for Detector
2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

17 Background Measurement
1721 setting: PreTrigger: TimeWindow: (240us) Total events: ,000,000 Time: s Average Rate: /s 40K Potassium, 60Co Cobalt, 137 Cesium, 232TI Thallium, Background Energy Spectrum Background Experiment 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

18 Energy zero-point Using a signal generator to get a 1KHZ square signal for the random trigger signal of FADC and collect the output from the detector. From this energy spectrum,we know that the energy zero-point is at the zero channel. Energy Spectrum of Random Trigger 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

19 Gamma Experiment The position of the γ source
The γ source was placed near to the centre of one side of the detector through a hole which was made in the roof of the lead shield. 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

20 Energy spectrum measurement for γ source
60Co 137Cs Total events: ,000,000 Time: s Average rate: /s Total events: ,000,000 Time: s Average rate: /s Co experiment 60Co spectrum (red), background (blue) 137Cs spectrum (red),background (blue) We adopt two Gamma source. 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT 60Co spectrum after subtracting background 137Cs spectrum after subtracting background

21 Energy calibration of the detector
Through the simulation by Geant4, we get the energy deposition spectrum of the γ source in the detector. We perform a broadening for this energy spectrum by using After adjusting the parameters, which is in order to make the simulation and the experiment more coherently. We can calibrate the energy of the detector through the comparison between the simulation and the experiment. 仿真谱怎么得到的?按G4中放射性GPS软件包,写脚本指定原子序数质量数等。1.17Mev Compt 0.96;1.33MeV,1.11;后两叠加;中间部分不完全沉积的叠加;Cs KeV;Cs137光电峰前面的是什么? 60Co energy deposition spectrum by simulation 137Cs energy deposition spectrum by simulation 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

22 When α= and β= 0.35 (unit 10KeV) , the simulation and the experiment get the most coincidence. 60Co simulation(red) and experiment(blue) spectrum 137Cs simulation(red) and experiment(blue) spectrum Correspondence: Peak position Energy(MeV) 高低能不一致的原因?林:反散射? 张:隧道效应?Cut的位置为什么这样? Energy calibration curve 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

23 Detection Efficiency Calibration
Discrimination Between Gamma and Neutron (Neutron Identification) Haven't finished, only show the work of Discrimination Between Gamma and Neutron, 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

24 Neutron Experiment We use the Am-Be neutron source to test the detector The distance between neutron source and lead shield is1m Total events: 200,000 Average Rate: 416 /s 道数按面积算,所以6M以上有小峰, Americium, Beryllium Energy spectrum of all events (red), background (blue) 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

25 n- γ discrimination One point stand for 2ns PSD:
Charge comparison method is adopted to perform the n-gamma discrimination. “Qtotal” stands for the total charge of the pulse, and the integrating range is from 40ns before the peak position to 80ns after the peak position. “Qpart” stands for the charge of the pulse rising edge, and the integrating range from 30ns after the peak position to 80ns after the peak position. We define the discriminative factor:Dis = Qpart/Qtotal 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

26 n- γ discriminative diagram
Left gamma, right neutron. Over1.6MeV, it is hard to discriminate neutron and gamma. 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

27 More precise standard to identify n
Analysis data from Background Experiment Co60 Experiment 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

28 Neutron experiment + Background
The red part is background From this diagram, we can clearly know the distribution of the background in the n-γ discriminative diagram. This can help us to establish the standard of identifying the neutron( or recoil proton) signal. 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

29 Neutron experiment + Background + Co
Am-Be From this diagram, we can get a clear boundary of the γ signals. γ signal should have the same characteristics whether it comes from Gd capture or the 60Co. 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

30 B A c Region A, gamma? but can be used in fast-slow coincidence.
The fitted boundary equation: exp( *x) *x+4.188*x2 Am-Be Background 60Co A B beryllium c (<0.145) Region A, gamma? but can be used in fast-slow coincidence. 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

31 Region B, events can be identified to be Neutron with very small error.
Total events Valid events Region B Mono-pulse events above the red curve Multi-pulse events above the red curve Neutron Exp 200,000 186839 37409(0.2002) 21477(0.574) 15932(0.426) Background Exp 20,000 13331 62(0.0047) 39(0.629) 33(0.371) Co60 Exp 50,000 40758 116(0.0029) 84(0.724) 32(0.276) 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

32 fast-slow coincidence
Region C, can be used to retrieve more neutron by F-S coincidence. Fast signal (or recoil proton signal) Slow signal (or γ signal) Threshold ? Region B was also inspected by F-S coincidence. 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

33 fast-slow coincidence Gamma energy Threshold (MeV)
(Region B) Gamma energy Threshold (MeV) in Region A Neutron Exp (multi-pulse events 15932) Background Exp (multi-pulse events 33) Co60 Exp (multi-pulse events 32) >2.6 4778(0.299) 12(0.364) 4(0.125) >2.4 5348(0.335) 14(0.424) >2.2 5964(0.374) 15(0.455) 5(0.156) >2.0 6625(0.415) 16(0.485) >1.8 7216(0.452) 17(0.515) 6(0.188) >1.6 7835(0.491) 8(0.250) >1.4 8446(0.530) 9(0.281) >1.2 9147(0.574) 18(0.545) 13(0.406) >1.0 9899(0.621) 19(0.576) 15(0.469) >0.8 10669(0.669) 20(0.606) >0.6 11293(0.708) 21(0.636) >0.4 11796(0.740) 22(0.667) 16(0.500) >0.2 12247(0.768) For Bg and Co, although the ratio is relatively high, while the absolute quantity is small, so don’t worry. 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

34 Region C, events probably includes amount of Neutron
Total events Valid events Events inside the red line Mono-pulse event inside the red curve Multi-pulse events inside the red curve Neutron Exp 200,000 186839 43856(0.2347) 27772(0.633) 16084(0.367) Background Exp 20,000 13331 747(0.0560) 712(0.953) 35(0.047) Co60 Exp 50,000 40758 7925(0.1944) 6329(0.798) 1596(0.202) 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

35 fast-slow coincidence Gamma energy Threshold (MeV)
in Region A Neutron Exp (16084) Background Exp (35) Co60 Exp (1596) >2.6 3785(0.235) 8(0.229) 2(0.001) >2.4 4252(0.264) 3(0.002) >2.2 4707(0.293) 7(0.004) >2.0 5227(0.325) 20(0.013) >1.8 5774(0.359) 9(0.257) 30(0.019) >1.6 6253(0.389) 11(0.314) 38(0.024) >1.4 6729(0.418) 52(0.033) >1.2 7290(0.453) 13(0.371) 125(0.078) >1.0 7909(0.492) 278(0.174) >0.8 8522(0.530) 16(0.457) 407(0.255) >0.6 9064(0.564) 19(0.543) 471(0.295) >0.4 9510(0.591) 21(0.600) 517(0.324) >0.2 9999(0.622) 24(0.686) 563(0.353) Using this way, can be get from Neuron Exp event (22%). 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

36 Neutron Identification Standard
PSD over 1.6MeV Fast - slow coincidence, Gamma threshold over 1.2 MeV 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

37 Next work Calibration of detection efficiency for the detector.
2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

38 Steps to Calibrati detection efficiency of n
A known γ HpGe detector Radioactivity measurement of Gamma source γ/n is known for AmBe Source Neutron radioactivity Calibrating neutron detector 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

39 Summery Design Detector, finished Fabrication, finished
Energy calibration, almost finished Efficiency calibration, in work Measure the neutron flux, in recent future 2018/11/15 Symposium of Sino-German GDT

40 Thank you! Americium, Beryllium, Cesium, 2018/11/15
Symposium of Sino-German GDT


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