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A portrait is a representation of a particular person

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1 What is a Self Portrait?
A portrait is a representation of a particular person. A self portrait is portrait of the artist by the artist.

2 According to Grayson Perry

3 According to the Tate… Artists’ self-portraits are an interesting sub-group of portraiture and can often be highly self-revelatory. Those of Rembrandt are particularly famous. A self-portrait does not necessarily have to be representational – an abstract or symbolic depiction by an artist of themselves can also be classed as a self-portrait. A self-portrait can also be in any medium. Artists sometimes include depictions of themselves in larger group portraits; or may include a self-portrait in in another type of composition – such as a landscape, narrative or documentary work.

4 Abstract or symbolic depiction
Francis Bacon – Study for Self Portrait 1973 Kay Montano – ‘Face Painter of Actresses’

5 Any medium…. Michelle Dickson – plastercast and driftwood – 2016
Quotation by Duchamp – date unknown Mark Quinn – Blood Head - self-portrait with his own frozen blood.

6 Group portrait Francesco Hayez – Self Portrait with a group of Friends – 1824 Oil on Canvas Peter Paul Rubens - Self-Portrait in a Circle of Friends from Mantua  oil on canvas

7 Landscape George Romney (Beckside Kendal) Portrait of a young lady in a landscape John Campbell - an important early depiction of Highland dress. The elaborate costume and landscape background indicate the status of the young sitter, who was heir to one of the great Highland families NB – not self portraits, but also representative of reasons in the context of self portraiture!

8 Narrative… George Kondo – ‘Facing Cancer’ - A brush with cancer inspired the artist’s latest show, in a career which has seen him work for ‘slave wages’ at Andy Warhol’s Factory and paint West’s album cover

9 Documentary The nearly one-hour 1967 documentary ’A Soft Self-Portrait of Salvador Dalí’ — by director Jean-Christophe Averty and narrated in English by Orson Welles — was shot on location at Dalí’s home in the seaside village of Port Lligat.   The surrealism of Salvador Dali knew no boundaries. It went straight from his paintings and into his personal life. Everything was a spectacle.

10 My angle… I am a figurative painter, and I would class ALL of my work to be self portraiture (acrylic on canvas, watercolour, mixed media). The components of this work might be symbolic or metaphorical. Sometimes but not often, literal. Its open to interpretation; how I prefer it. And is influenced by…

11 ‘Some people say there are similarities between Frida Kahlo’s work and mine (Tracey Emin). I think it has less to do with subject matter and more about coincidences – in particular, because I am a woman. (I used to have a unibrow before I plucked it.) Women can relate to her.’ Frida Kahlo Self-Portrait on the Borderline Between Mexico and the United States 1932 Tracey Emin Monument Valley (Grand Scale)  Colour photograph on vinyl

12 Tracey Emin on Frida Kahlo
I came across Kahlo when I was at the Royal College. I read her letters before I saw any of her art. I remember that they were very poetic and passionate. I then did some images that were directly influenced by her, including a drawing of my family tree. What confused me was why she could be in love with a fat, misogynistic, bad painter. But I realised that she was a masochist. You can see that in the work – and it’s what drives it. I like it. Some of it makes me feel sick, and makes me think: I didn’t need to know that. But on the other hand, the fact that she had no proper training yet obviously had the talent is extraordinary. When you look at the paintings you see that they are good. She painted what she saw – and the fact that she actually saw these things in her imagination is incredible. At the time there were many people around her, including the Surrealists, who were trying to be weird, when she genuinely was. She was also extremely politically motivated. She laid herself on the line about the things she believed in.

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