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Rising Professionals Meeting March

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1 Rising Professionals Meeting March

2 Calendar Reminders FBLA Meeting Tomorrow March 8 – FBLA Meeting
March 9th- Mock Application Revisions due March 14th – Mock Interview Day March 20th – WBL Applications are due March 30th- March work is due -- not on Saturday March 31st. April 11th – RPM Last one April 12th – Employer Appreciation Breakfast 8am-9am April 19th – Last FBLA meeting/EOY Party

3 WBL next year Changes in the program- your survey at EOY
Timesheets will have less reflection Work Journals for everyone every other month Will try to restructure Feb. Work Load Mentor Orientation What is staying the same Summer Orientation Parent Orientation Due date for app is March 20th What is due FROM YOU ONLY (2nd year) Green form with check boxes for interest Parent signature and your signature Go online and fill in blanks for general info. What I do not need Transcript Short Response Answers K. Carps signature/authorization Other than WJ topics, you can use this year’s work in your portfolio. Just have to maintain it electronically and do updates… example: resume & cover letter, portfolio projects

4 New Bonus dates March 16th - Bonus points for Work Journal +1 Final Rubric March 16th – Bonus points for Thank You Card WORD document + 2 Final Rubric March 23rd – Bonus Points for receiving your employers RSVP and survey +3 Final Rubric

5 Missing Work – cracking down
Staying on campus… The deal: Turn in work = Bye Bye! Have a great day! Don’t turn in work = Hey! We are office mates! Your responsibility WBL has a classroom component. Without this, there would be no credit at all.

6 March Work Work Journal for all periods Twitter assignment cancelled
Invitation letter signed - ADDED Employer Thank You Card Employer RSVP and Survey Carry over: Rubric from mock interviewer and a stellar copy of your resume and application

7 March Twitter assignment cancelled
The PowerPoint you did in January supplemented this. Missing Photos from: Kylie- 3 Kayla-3 Jacob-3 Jordyn- 1 Jose- 1 (IT) Carsyn- 3 Missael – 2 Braydan- 3 Allie-1 Lilli- 1 Fatima- 3 Terrika – 1 Jolea- 3 Courtney- 3 Tamira- 3 Anna – 3 Due by Sunday or staying on campus b/g Monday

8 Employer Thank you card
First, type thank you card text following assignment directions Then, bring to me for scanning and approval Card & Envelope is provided once approved in assignment Will need to fill out card in PEN and in my room. Only one card provided to you. So, be careful. If you mess up the card Bring some white out Bring your own card. 

9 Employer Breakfast - WHY
April 12th – 8:30 am -9:30 am TENTATIVE TIME Please report to the media center at 7:53am Dress- Business Casual Or I may do WBL t-shirts In that case, WBL shirts and school dress jeans Committee? Anyone interested in staying after RPM on April 11th and helping set up for the breakfast?


11 Employer breakfast cont.
Will be directed to park in overflow Need greeters by parking lot and café doors to direct Need hall greeters in front of stairs Will have “assigned” seating Students must sit with their mentors More to come for how this will go STAY TUNED VIA about breakfast details. Hopefully no later than Monday. Also, you will need to pick up your invitation letter when I send that out in a remind or .

12 Invitation letter to breakfast
Will be by a letter provided from me Will need to be turned in signed by March 30th. Will have the link on the letter for them to use to access the form.

13 Mock Interviews Fab Afternoon Assignment should help you from Feb.
Dressing for Success- Business Professional Dress Show up 5 minutes ahead of schedule Should take minutes total BRING- a copy of your resume and portfolio NON-NEGOTIABLE due to our guests schedule Sign ups – Keep your time – SO CHECK YOUR CALENDAR WHY IN THE WORLD ARE WE DOING THIS?!?

14 Mock interview job app Why?
Company controls the information on an application Things you don’t think about that are SCREAMING at an employer based on how you fill out the application: Handwriting Leaving spaces blank How thorough you are = spelling out road v. Rd. How many errors you’ve made

15 Job application trends
Hand back the errors Including your Driver’s License # or SS High salary requested? Defend it in the interview $10.00/ hour – should be making close to that now Expected Graduation Dates – not leave it blank or check “no” WHY? Leaving items blank when you could fill them out Use the same pen to make the corrections Why should we add unpaid internships? Redundant information on app v. resume/ref.

16 Job application trends
Being “extra”  is good Adding college you’ve been accepted… why is this okay with me? Putting family as references. Not supposed to be “reinventing the wheel”. Use the references you’ve already est. in your resume.

17 Who cares? It’s a fake job
I care. And you should too. Story time. They meet you on paper before they see you, then, they meet you. Then, you depart from them and they decide whether you are a right fit. You can help them decide you ARE if you pay attention to EVERY SINGLE DETAIL. These are real business people. With real opportunities…

18 Job App Expectations Make corrections using the same pen or start over- this is normal. Trust me. Do NOT write over any spots you have put N/A – START OVER Minimal white out- does white out exist anymore? Should be complete

19 EXTRA EXTRA Several of you have moved on in your employment and you have not updated your resume. DO THIS BEFORE THE MENTOR BREAKFAST please. Better yet, do this this week. And give me a copy for your mock interview. 

20 Interview question assignment
Your questions Your responses Tailoring the message to making YOU SHINE Using your resume and portfolio as a guide

21 What interviews tell about you?
Answer content v. impression are equal HOW you answer is just as important as what you say Body Language- Eye contact, speaking clearly Knowledgeable, uses examples that can be found in resume and portfolio Are you comfortable knowing what you can ADD to the company? Research the company- word of mouth, use your network What do you know about that TYPE of position? How can you tailor your responses to that?

22 Role play on interviewing
Think on your feet How does your written answer vary from what you said verbally? Body Language during the question? What observations does the interviewer make about how you answered the question? Record observations on paper

23 Why didn’t I get hired? Interview skills – Tone, voice, presence, handshake, not knowledgeable Interview Answers- Didn’t understand easy questions, took too long to answer, clearly wasn’t prepared, didn’t reference resume, wasn’t groomed or dressed properly Why didn’t I have an interview at all and just got hired? == DESPERATE, or They asked about you already and your reputation stood up, or you know the person What are employers looking for the most? CRITICAL THINKING and Takes direction/initiative BEHAVIORAL interview questions and problem solving Biggest issue in hiring after interview Failing the drug test.

24 Thank you & Check list Medical interns I need your calendars
Anyone interested in helping on Breakfast Committee? SEE ME Turn in the activity sheet Turn in the assignment from Feb. Mock Application revisions are due to me by this Friday Make sure you’ve put the mentor down that you are planning to invite before you go.

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