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The Paleolithic Era Settling the Globe.

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Presentation on theme: "The Paleolithic Era Settling the Globe."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Paleolithic Era Settling the Globe

2 Hunting and Gathering Characterized human existence until years ago 95 % of human history, life was gathering and hunting Paleolithic People - settled the planet - created the first societies - first to reflect on issues of life and death

3 Hominids and Homo Sapiens
Hominid – humanlike creature australopiticus – 1.8million years ago - Lucy Homo sapiens emerged in eastern and southern Africa 250,000 years ago. - stone and bone tools - hunting and fishing, not just scavenging - settlements around fish and game - trade amongst bands - planned burials

4 Out of Africa “theory” 100,000 years ago – migrations out of Africa - Ice age created land bridges 40,000 years ago – into middle east + Europe - new hunting habits and tools 20,000 years ago – N. Europe - cave paintings, religious pictures / venus figurines Russia/Ukraine - needles, multilayered clothing, weaving, nets, baskets, pottery, etc.

5 Out of Africa “theory” Into Australia – 60,000 years ago - first use of boats - “dreamtime” stories of ancestors, ceremonies,religion Into the Americas - 15,000 years ago – Bering Strait… Land Bridge - Clovis People – first widespread culture of Americas - hunted large mammals (mammoths, bison) - 11,000 years ago – extinction of large mammals More Characteristics of Paleolithic People - major communication and exchange networks - complex views of the world

6 Out of Africa Theory

7 The Ways We Were Small bands of 25–50 people – by kinship
Very low population density – lack of technology Paleolithic bands were seasonally mobile or nomadic Societies were highly egalitarian - w/ clearly defined roles, women provided 70% food

8 Economy and Environment
Paleolithic people worked fewer hours Only lived to about 35 years old Slash and burn agriculture Extinction of large animals shortly after humans arrived Extinction of other hominids shortly after humans arrived (Neanderthals)

9 Neanderthals

10 The Spirit and Religion
Difficult to understand – no written sources Rich ceremonial life, shamans Frequent psychoactive drug use to contact spirits Mostly polytheistic, (some seem monotheistic)

11 Cave Painting from France

12 Venus Figurine

13 Settling Down Last Ice Age ended 16,000–10,000 years ago - warmer climate, more plants, pop. Grows Larger, more complex societies emerged - these societies emerge in different areas of the world This settling down placed a greater demand on the environment and led to agriculture. Agriculture for beer? - Mayans, Egyptians, Sumerians

14 Activity Compare the social characteristics of the San and Chumash societies.

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