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Thumbs Up for Capitalization

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1 Thumbs Up for Capitalization
Capitalizing Time Periods, Historical Events, Documents & Laws

2 the nineteenth century
Names of Time Periods Capitalize the names of time periods. the Middle Ages the Cenozoic Era Do not capitalize centuries or decades. the nineteenth century the eighties But do capitalize well-known names for centuries or decades. the Roaring Twenties

3 Centuries are not capitalized.
Let’s Practice One of these is wrong. Hold up one finger if #1 is wrong, two fingers if #2 is wrong, and three fingers if #3 is wrong. 1. I was born in the Twentieth Century. 2. Dinosaurs were dominant during the Jurassic Period. 3. Poodle skirts were popular during the fifties. Centuries are not capitalized.

4 The Industrial Revolution is a time period and should be capitalized.
Let’s Practice One of these is wrong. Hold up one finger if #1 is wrong, two fingers if #2 is wrong, and three fingers if #3 is wrong. 1. The Romantic Era occurred between 1770 and 1850. 2. The American Revolution was took place in the eighteenth century. 3. Have you ever wondered about the time period named the industrial revolution? The Industrial Revolution is a time period and should be capitalized.

5 More Practice If the sentence is written correctly, put your thumb up.
If the sentence is written incorrectly, put your thumb down. During the Bronze Age, many weapons and tools were made of bronze.

6 More Practice If the sentence is written correctly, put your thumb up.
If the sentence is written incorrectly, put your thumb down. This is the twenty-first century.

7 More Practice If the sentence is written correctly, put your thumb up.
If the sentence is written incorrectly, put your thumb down. Glaciers pushed south during the ice age.

8 More Practice If the sentence is written correctly, put your thumb up.
If the sentence is written incorrectly, put your thumb down. Hippies were common in the sixties.

9 Historical Events, Documents, and Laws
Capitalize specific historical events, documents, and laws. the Vietnam War the Constitution Land Ordinance of 1785 Do not capitalize common nouns that simply refer to an event, document, or law. Do not capitalize articles (a, an, the), conjunctions (and, or, but), or short prepositions (to, for, in, of, etc.)

10 Let’s Practice One of these is wrong. Hold up one finger if #1 is wrong, two fingers if #2 is wrong, and three fingers if #3 is wrong. 1. My mom grew up during the Great Depression. 2. If you drive too fast, you are breaking the law. 3. President Lincoln delivered the emancipation proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation is an important historical document and must be capitalized.

11 Names of wars are capitalized.
Let’s Practice One of these is wrong. Hold up one finger if #1 is wrong, two fingers if #2 is wrong, and three fingers if #3 is wrong. 1. The Declaration of Independence was written at the beginning of the revolutionary war. 2. The Constitution organizes our government. 3. No Child Left Behind was a law written about education. Names of wars are capitalized.

12 More Practice If the sentence is written correctly, put your thumb up.
If the sentence is written incorrectly, put your thumb down. World war II was fought all around the world.

13 More Practice If the sentence is written correctly, put your thumb up.
If the sentence is written incorrectly, put your thumb down. The Nineteenth Amendment gave women the right to vote.

14 More Practice If the sentence is written correctly, put your thumb up.
If the sentence is written incorrectly, put your thumb down. The Treaty Of Versailles officially ended World War I.

15 More Practice If the sentence is written correctly, put your thumb up.
If the sentence is written incorrectly, put your thumb down. Did they pass the Law that banned public smoking?

16 Copyright © 2013 Brenda Kovich Version All rights reserved by author. Permission to copy for single classroom use only. Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only. Images licensed by Dancing Crayon

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