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Electricity Engineers’ Association Conference

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Presentation on theme: "Electricity Engineers’ Association Conference"— Presentation transcript:

1 Electricity Engineers’ Association Conference
20 June 2008 Hon. David Parker Minister of Energy


3 NZ Energy Strategy: Our vision
A reliable and resilient system delivering New Zealand sustainable, low-emissions energy

4 Energy efficiency An untapped virtual source of energy
Strategy covers whole of economy Long-term major savings possible

5 Emissions Trading Scheme
Internationally favoured measure In line with others Includes every sector of economy – forestry, liquid fossil fuels, stationary energy/industrial processes, agriculture/waste/others Linked to Kyoto trading markets Gradual introduction

6 Renewable electricity target
90 per cent of electricity from renewable sources by 2025

7 Forecast electricity generation

8 Renewables future - economic sense
New Build Generation Costs

9 Commerce Amendment Bill
Simpler, more predictable regime for lines companies Time limits for CC decisions More appropriate disclosure regime for locally owned lines businesses Reduced compliance costs

10 EIRA Amendment Bill Ability of lines owners to sell output of generation made easier Scope of lines / supply ownership separation narrowed Definition of “renewable” generation broadened

11 Continuance of supply post 2013
Section 32 of Electricity Act to be amended Obligation to supply – lines or alternative generation Consumers and lines companies – joint focus on best solution for each area

12 Key actions for renewables
National policy statements on - renewable electricity generation electricity transmission - to provide guidance for councils Call-in powers available

13 New technologies Need diverse mix of renewables
Main increase over next decade will be wind and geothermal As island nation NZ has great potential for marine generation

14 Marine Energy Deployment Fund
First grant – Crest Energy for Kaipara Harbour entrance project Will improve reliability of supply to local community Further funds available in Round 2

15 Electricity emissions reduction opportunities

16 Concluding comments

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