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Define prospect elements Estimating trap volumes HC Type Assessment

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1 Define prospect elements Estimating trap volumes HC Type Assessment
Outline Define prospect elements Estimating trap volumes HC Type Assessment Risk Slide 25 Now we are ready to start to determine the economic value – the heart of the assessment This consists of two components: (1) How much oil or gas is there that we can get out of the reservoir, and (2) What will its value be when we sell it Geoscientists and engineers work on the first part All oil companies have business analysts that work on the other It is a mystery to me how they estimate the price of a barrel of oil 8 or more years into the future I’m going to let this sleeping giant alone! For the first part – how much can we produce (get out of the ground) there are two basic approaches: (1) a deterministic approach, and (2) a probabilistic approach Deterministic Assessment Probabilistic Assessment Courtesy of ExxonMobil L14 – Prospect Analysis

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