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Gender Stratification

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1 Gender Stratification
How does it effect you? © Robert J. Atkins, Ph.D.


3 You have both sex and gender, what is the difference?
Sex is biology Gender is cultural Personal traits and social positions that members of a society attach to being female and male

4 How does your gender effect you?
Gender shapes your feelings, thoughts, and actions Gender roles = attitudes and activities society links to people of each sex

5 Why are women a minority?
Considered minority due to social disadvantage Less income, education, power and wealth than men

6 How have women challenged male domination?
Women now own more than 10 million entrepreneurial businesses Athletic performance Women have been closing the gap with men in most athletic events. In general, women are gaining more opportunities and power. Clinton

7 What gave women equality?
Industrialization encourages gender equality Working outside the home Vast majority of women with children 6-17 yrs old

8 Do you remember? What is the difference between sex and gender?
How does socialization effect gender? Why are women a minority? How have women challenged male domination? What gave women equality?

9 What is comparable worth?
People should be paid according to the level of skill and responsibility involved in the work. If these are comparable (for both women and men) they should be paid comparably Major difference in earnings between men and women is mostly due to the type of work each sex does.

10 What is the glass ceiling?
Prevents women from rising beyond middle-management

11 Where and why are women targeted for violence?
Physical violence Most likely in your own home Sexual violence Fundamentally about power In 90% of rape cases a woman knows her attacker

12 What is female genital mutilation?
Primarily in Africa

13 Do you remember? What is comparable worth? What is the glass ceiling?
Where and why are women targeted for violence? What is female genital mutilation?


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