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Presentation on theme: "Gorbachev."— Presentation transcript:

1 Gorbachev

2 Basic timeline World War II Perestroika 1986 Glasnost 1988
Fall of the Soviet Union Sep leevi

3 The inherited problems in the USSR led Gorbachev to implement the policies of Glasnost and Perestroika, consequently leading to the deconstruction of the Soviet Union nils

4 Essential Questions To what extent was Glasnost and Perestroika a result of the Economic issues rather than social issues? How successful was Gorbachev's policies Glasnost and Perestroika in fixing the economic issues is the USSR? To what extent did Glasnost and Perestroika lead to the deconstruction of the USSR? nils

5 Previous knowledge

6 Back Ground Cold War Stalin - Khrushchev - Brezhnev - Gorbage chef
Strong stance on communism Proxy wars Gulag Secret Police leevi

7 Inherited Problems High end country Resources
Lack of personal freedoms Everyday hindrances Lack of information for revolutions Farms lacked quality Continuous economic decline 14% budget used on military (CIA) Technology Western European Countries East Germany & Hungary leevi

8 Economic/Social issues
Poor housing Food shortages Alcoholism Widespread pollution Increasing mortality rates Women’s social position Soviet crimes leevi

9 Technology Minor technological development
Budget not focused on general technology Future focus on space race Impersonation to seem successful to the west Efficient factories and production Low quality products leevi

10 Soviet Feedback on USSR leadership
Brezhnev doctrine Loose wording Led to revolts Poland Hungary Fought against with violence Countries could barely critique Very strict regulations leevi

11 Gorbachev's solution leevi

12 Glasnost and Perestroika

13 Glasnost Ease social controls imposed by government
Greater freedom to media, religion, and allowed citizens to express divergent views Opened the country to media criticism (to an extent) Opened the way for freedom of speech and freedom of expression Lack of faith in communism due to past deeds, which were now exposed 1988 introduced democratization Elect government officials leevi

14 Perestroika Overhaul of the top members of the communist party
Replaced centralized government planning with market forces Self-financing companies Fear of control Lack of communist party, more local governments Soviet Congress of People’s Deputies Deal with the top leevi

15 Alopy history vid?
0:00 - 2:20

16 Group discussions

17 Lack of trust in the government
Corruption was rampant in the USSR USSR’s weakened state in 1989 lead the people to lose faith in their government The amount of revolutions taking place in Eastern Europe also contributed Boris Yeltsin swayed public view of Gorbachev matt

18 Freedom movements across soviet union
There were many revolution movements throughout the USSR in 1989 Revolutions started in Poland and spread to many other eastern european countries Most were protests involving civil resistance (non-violent protests) Romania was the only Eastern European country to violently overthrow soviet regime Many people were disappointed in Soviet rule and wanted change On July 4th, 1989 a Polish trade union won a partially free election, leading to the fall of communism in Poland Matt

19 Break Down of the Soviet Union
In 1989, President Bush met with Gorbachev at the Malta summit Bush supported Gorbachev’s reforms, as they swayed the USSR towards a more democratic system Gorbachev allowed elections with multiparty systems, further destabilizing communist control In 1991, an unsuccessful coup against Gorbachev left him powerless, soon resigning and removing soviet power from the presidency Matt

20 To what extent was Glasnost and Perestroika a result of the Economic issues rather than social issues? Glasnost and Perestroika were to differing degrees results of economic issues rather than social. Glasnost was to a greater extent a result of social issues, while Perestroika was to a greater extent the result of economic issues. Nils

21 How successful was Gorbachev's Glasnost and Perestroika pact in fixing the economic issues in the USSR? Gorbachev’s Glasnost and Perestroika pact were both very successful in solving the economic issues in the USSR, however set the way for the downfall of the USSR West and Gorbachev Leevi

22 Political Cartoons

23 neutral

24 neutral

25 neutral

26 Opposition Internal opposition Armenia, Azerbaijan External opposition
Cold War nils

27 Reagan Summits Negotiations with Reagan
5 summits between 1985 and 1988 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty 1987 nils

28 To what extent did Glasnost and Perestroika lead to the deconstruction of the USSR?
The Glasnost and Perestroika prevented the economic collapse of the USSR, however was the main cause that led to the political deconstruction of the USSR. nils

29 Questions

30 Exit Slip On a piece of paper examine the pros and cons of Glasnost and Perestroika


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