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September 24, 2014 SWBAT understand the Author’s Purpose of Call Me Maria and “The Road not taken”. Initial activity: compare and contrast the structure.

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Presentation on theme: "September 24, 2014 SWBAT understand the Author’s Purpose of Call Me Maria and “The Road not taken”. Initial activity: compare and contrast the structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 24, 2014 SWBAT understand the Author’s Purpose of Call Me Maria and “The Road not taken”.
Initial activity: compare and contrast the structure of the excerpt from call me maria and the the structure of “the road not taken”

2 Word of the day: Hence – in the future; after a period of time.
Example – we will leave for vacation a month hence.

3 What is Author’s Purpose?
Author’s Purpose is the reason an author writes a story or poem. Authors write to inform, to entertain, or to persuade.

4 What is the author’s purpose in this passage?
Americans are the largest consumers of oil. Instead of drilling for oil, we should decrease our need for foreign oil, simply by using less. We must all work together to cut back on the oil we use in order to preserve the wildlife of the arctic national wildlife refuge.

5 What is the author’s purpose in this passage?
Once upon a time there was an old Indian who had an only son, whose name was Opeechee. The boy had come to the age when every Indian lad makes a long fast, in order to secure a Spirit to be his guardian for life. Now, the old man was very proud, and he wished his son to fast longer than other boys, and to become a greater warrior than all others. So he directed him to prepare with solemn ceremonies for the fast. After the boy had been in the sweating lodge and bath several times, his father commanded him to lie down upon a clean mat, in a little lodge apart from the rest. "My son," said he, "endure your hunger like a man, and at the end of TWELVE DAYS, you shall receive food and a blessing from my hands.“…

6 What is the author’s purpose in this passage?
Do you have what it takes to survive on the Red Planet? Mars One, a nonprofit organization in the Netherlands, wants to find out. The company plans to send four people to mars in 2024 to establish the first human settlement there. But there’s a catch. Then years from now, the technology to bring people back to earth likely won’t exist, so the settlers will have to stay on mars – forever. Before the mission can get off the ground, mars one needs to raise billions of dallars to build rockets, living quarters, and other equipment. The “martians” will also have to undergo years of intense training. The challenges don’t faze brian robles, a student at Rutgers university in NJ. Hes one of 200,000 people who applied to spend the rest of their lives on mars. “we’re going to die (on Earth) too,” he told cnn. “so (you) might as well live your whole life to the fullest”.

7 Work period Using the meat strategy answer the question:
What message did the author want the reader to understand in “The road not taken” and call me maria? Use the template given to you to answer this question which is benchmark three.

8 summary Today we learned about the author’s purpose.
In what way is frost’s purpose in writing, “The road not taken” similar to Ortiz cofer’s purpose in writing call me maria?

9 homework Complete benchmark three from your classwork if you did not complete it in class today.

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