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Impacts of Socio-cultural factors on Maths learning

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1 Impacts of Socio-cultural factors on Maths learning
EMA 300

2 Mathematics as culture
When a connection is made, students learn One of the issueswith mathematics teaching is that its concepts are given in a manner that is oblivious to child's experiences and is also far removed from the world in which he/she lives. Results – Erroneous beliefs – only ‘others’ do mathematics, not for them, they are incapable , its applications are not suited for their culture.

3 Mathematics as culture
Mathematics is congruent to all cultures To simulate interest teachers need to use and incorporate the ‘artefacts’ of particular cultural groups their students belong to, in their teaching Examples: Wooden shafts, Split canes, Seeds, Stones, Pebbles . . .?, Often, toys and materials that surround the students at home are most effective vehicles for the instruction

4 Issues related to mathematics learning
Note the regression line is steeper for Australia than most of the other countries, show a higher effect due to this factor on mathematical literacy Students in the highest socioeconomic quartile achieved an average score of 541 points, which was higher than students in the lowest socioeconomic quartile, who achieved 455 points. This difference of 86 points higher was statistically significant and represents over one proficiency level or almost three years of schooling. The difference between each socioeconomic quartile and the next was also significant, at around 30 points on average, and equivalent to around one year of schooling. Socioeconomics factors strong association between achievement and socioeconomic status. Students in the highest socioeconomic quartile achieved an average score of 541 points, which was higher than students in the lowest socioeconomic quartile, who achieved 455 points. This difference of 86 points higher was statistically significant and represents over one proficiency level or almost three years of schooling. The difference between each socioeconomic quartile and the next was also significant, at around 30 points on average, and equivalent to around one year of schooling. Programme for International Student Assessment PISA 2000

5 Issues related to mathematics learning: Socioeconomics factors
49% of Indigenous students were low performers compared to 21% of low-performing non-Indigenous students. 25% of Indigenous students reached the National Proficient Standard in mathematical literacy compared to 57% of non-Indigenous students. Students from metropolitan schools scored on average 29 points higher in mathematical literacy (equivalent to around one year of schooling) than students who attended provincial schools. The average score difference between students from metropolitan schools and students from remote schools was even larger at 42 points on average (equivalent to around one-and-a-half years of schooling). The performance of students from provincial schools and students from remote schools was not significantly different. Almost two-thirds of students (59%) from metropolitan schools reached the National Proficient Standard compared to 46% of students from provincial schools and 40% of students from remote schools. Australian-born students achieved an average mathematical literacy score of 491 points, which was significantly lower than first-generation students (505 points). The difference between these average scores is equivalent to around half a year of schooling. Foreign-born students achieved an average score of 497 points, which was not significantly different to the performance of first generation students. The mathematical literacy performance of first-generation students was significantly higher than the OECD average (by 15 points), while the performance of Australian-born and foreign-born students was not significantly different to that of students across the OECD. Î 10% of Australian-born students were high performers compared to 14% of first-generation students and 14% of foreign-born students. At the lower end of the mathematical literacy proficiency scale, the proportions of low performers for Australian-born and foreign-born students were similar (22%), while the proportion of first-generation students was 18%. Î 55% of Australian-born students reached the National Proficient Standard compared to 60% of first-generation students and 56% of foreign-born students. 49% of Indigenous students were low performers compared to 21% of low-performing non-Indigenous students. 25% of Indigenous students reached the National Proficient Standard in mathematical literacy compared to 57% of non-Indigenous students. PISA 2015

6 Issues related to mathematics learning: Socioeconomics factors
For 7 countries in PISA 2015 (Australia, the Czech Republic, Greece, Finland, Hungary, New Zealand and the Slovak Republic), there were significantly higher proportions of low performers and a significantly lower proportion of high performers. The increase in low performers ranged from 4% in New Zealand to 11% in the Slovak Republic and Hungary. In Australia, there was a 5% increase in the proportion of low performers to 18% in The decrease in high performers ranged from 1% in Greece to 5% in New Zealand. In Australia, the proportion of high performers declined by 3% to 11% in 2015. Females were more likely to obtain a low score for mathematical literacy due to this factor. For 7 countries in PISA 2015 (Australia, the Czech Republic, Greece, Finland, Hungary, New Zealand and the Slovak Republic), there were significantly higher proportions of low performers and a significantly lower proportion of high performers. The increase in low performers ranged from 4% in New Zealand to 11% in the Slovak Republic and Hungary. In Australia, there was a 5% increase in the proportion of low performers to 18% in The decrease in high performers ranged from 1% in Greece to 5% in New Zealand. In Australia, the proportion of high performers declined by 3% to 11% in 2015. The Northern Territory displayed the widest spread of responses, PISA 2000

7 Issues related to mathematics learning
Between 2003 and 2015, mathematical literacy performance declined by 30 points to an average score of 494 points in 2015. 35% of students in the lowest socioeconomic quartile were low performers compared to 24% in the second socioeconomic quartile, 16% in the third socioeconomic quartile, and 9% in the highest socioeconomic quartile. Over a 12-year period, from 2003 to 2015, mathematical literacy performance declined significantly for each socioeconomic quartile. There was a 23-point decline for students in the lowest socioeconomic quartile, a 30-score point decline for students in the second socioeconomic quartile, a 31-score point decline for students in the third socioeconomic quartile and a 32-score point decline for students in the highest socioeconomic quartile. Î The mathematical literacy performance for students in the second and third socioeconomic quartiles changed significantly between 2012 and 2015, with a decline of 9 points and 15 points, while the performances for students in the other socioeconomic quartiles were not significantly different. PISA 2015

8 Issues related to mathematics learning Socioeconomics factors
Socio-economically disadvantaged students across OECD countries are almost three times more likely than advantaged students not to attain the baseline level of proficiency in science. But about 29% of disadvantaged students are considered resilient – meaning that they beat the odds and perform at high levels. And in Macao (China) and Viet Nam, students facing the greatest disadvantage on an international scale outperform the most advantaged students in about 20 other PISA-participating countries and economies. Only 4% of students in the lowest socioeconomic quartile were high performers compared to 7% in the second socioeconomic quartile, 12% in the third socioeconomic quartile and 23% in the highest socioeconomic quartile. On average across OECD countries, and after taking their socioeconomic status into account, immigrant students are more than twice as likely as their non-immigrant peers to perform below the baseline level of proficiency in science. Yet 24% of disadvantaged immigrant students are considered resilient. On average across countries with relatively large immigrant student populations, attending a school with a high concentration of immigrant students is not associated with poorer student performance, after accounting for the school’s socio-economic intake. But about 29% of disadvantaged students are considered resilient – meaning that they beat the odds and perform at high levels. And in Macao (China) and Viet Nam, students facing the greatest disadvantage on an international scale outperform the most advantaged students in about 20 other PISA-participating countries and economies. While between 2006 and 2015 no country or economy improved its performance in science and equity in education simultaneously, the relationship between socio-economic status and student performance weakened in nine countries where mean science scores remained stable. The United States shows the largest improvements in equity during this period. On average across OECD countries, and after taking their socioeconomic status into account, immigrant students are more than twice as likely as their non-immigrant peers to perform below the baseline level of proficiency in science. Yet 24% of disadvantaged immigrant students are considered resilient. On average across countries with relatively large immigrant student populations, attending a school with a high concentration of immigrant students is not associated with poorer student performance, after accounting for the school’s socio-economic intake. PISA 2015

9 Australia’s performance –PISA 2015
Australia was one of 10 countries whose performance declined significantly between 2012 and The decline in Australia’s performance was 10 points. Parents and teachers can challenge gender stereotypes about science-related activities and occupations to allow girls and boys to achieve their potential. Among the subjects of science, mathematics and reading, science is the one where mean gender in performance in PISA are smallest ; and these differences vary significantly across countries. This indicates that gender disparities in performance do not stem from innate differences in aptitude, but rather from factors that parents, teachers, policy makers and opinion leaders can influence. high achievement and equity in education outcomes are not mutually exclusive. In Australia, females scored 491 points on average, which was not significantly different to the average score of 497 points for males. Here are the top 20 countries for English and maths: Reading top 40 1. Shanghai (China) 2. Hong Kong (China) 3. Singapore 4. Japan 5. South Korea 6. Finland 7. Ireland 8. Taiwan 9. Canada 10. Poland 11. Estonia 12. Liechtenstein 13. New Zealand 14. Australia 15. Netherlands 16. Belgium 17. Switzerland 18. Macao (China) 19. Vietnam 20. Germany 21. France 22. Norway 23. United Kingdom 24. United States 25. Denmark 26. Czech Republic 27. Italy 28. Austria 29. Latvia 30. Hungary 31. Spain 32. Luxembourg 33. Portugal 34. Israel 35. Croatia 36. Sweden 37. Iceland 38. Slovenia 39. Lithuania 40. Greece Maths top 40 2. Singapore 3. Hong Kong (China) 4. Taiwan 6. Macao (China) 7. Japan 8. Liechtenstein 9. Switzerland 10. Netherlands 12. Finland 13. Canada 14. Poland 15. Belgium 16. Germany 17. Vietnam 18. Austria 19. Australia 20. Ireland 21. Slovenia 22. Denmark 23. New Zealand 24. Czech Republic 25. France 26. United Kingdom 27. Iceland 28 Latvia 29. Luxembourg 30. Norway 31. Portugal 32. Italy 33. Spain 34. Russian Federation 35. Slovak Republic 36. United States 37. Lithuania 38. Sweden 39. Hungary 40. Croatia The most immediate way to nurture interest in science among students with less supportive home environments may be to increase early exposure to high-quality science instruction in schools. Australia is ranked 14th in Literacy and 19th in Maths in the PISA scores

10 Issues related to mathematics learning
Language factors How do you reason ? Mathematical grammar, symbols, words Some tasks and problem solving activities involve high level of comprehension and writing skills Language plays an important role in mathematics learning.

11 Issues related to mathematics learning
Sociocultural norms and teacher practices Style of communication May include or exclude some Students’ reluctance (to ask) A teacher may not accept a solution due to his/her own non-understanding of the culture and practices of the student Teachers generally get influenced due to surface features of the work and their prior expectations of the students Language plays an important role in mathematics learning

12 Ethnomathematics Three approaches
The mathematical knowledge of traditional cultures The mathematical knowledge of non western societies The mathematical knowledge of different groups in a society An Ethnomathematics curricula differs from multicultural curricula It is constructed from the knowledge of the culture Not with few examples from the (different ) culture/s

13 Teaching through Ethnomathematics
Learn the mathematical practices of particular culture you are to teach. It provides ownership It creates a bridge to Western mathematics Allow students to understand QRS (quantity, relationships and space) system of their own culture first. Teachers need to understand the mathematical practices of other cultures before they start the teaching and learning journey ( for example- kinship, arts, spatial awareness)

14 Pitfalls Trivialising mathematics
Embarrassing students (make them feel primitive) Teaching without valuing (students’ culture) Stereotyping

15 Indigenous students Teachers need to learn about Indigenous people and
their culture their ways of knowing and also, required to examine their own attitudes, beliefs as well as what they understand as mathematics

16 Indigenous students Thelema Perso (2003) who conducted a study into ‘the gap’ proposes another aspect: Explicit teaching of mathematics Pay attention to language Teachers need to carefully and patiently explain mathematical language , symbols and concepts Building bridges with their cultural context Modelling and explaining mathematics Some of the mathematical contexts may not be clear to the students – create a context to which students may relate - (so that purpose of learning is clear)

17 Indigenous students Incorporate outdoor activities
Involve technology – that foster working in teams Extend their literacy skills Let them aware of other cultures (Jan McCarthy 2002) Work with concrete materials to explain Use games – (maths 300, cards, computer, IPad simulations)

18 Games we play Games can reflect many aspects of culture Values
Interests Specific activities Rules for the games typically reflect some aspect of reality, such as trading, hunting, warring, or strategic planning. Game materials Most of the time environments in which they are played Mathematics teachers may utilize games which have cultural significance to be able to relate mathematics to culture. Integrating mathematics and culture may enhance the mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities of the students. In turn, effective learning may occur because the students can easily relate to the mathematical activities which include the use of culturally-stimulated games which are encountered by the students of such culture. Mathematics teachers may utilize games which have cultural significance to be able to relate mathematics to culture. Integrating mathematics and culture may enhance the mathematical skills and problem-solving abilities of the students. In turn, effective learning may occur because the students can easily relate to the mathematical activities which include the use of culturally-stimulated games which are encountered by the students of such culture. Barta, J., & Schaelling, D. (1998). Games We Play: Connecting Mathematics and Culture in the Classroom. Teaching children mathematics, 4(7),

19 Games and culture Games are one of the six ‘universal mathematical activities” of all cultures (have a look at the last lecture) Bishop (1991) Allows us to: Estimate Predict Plan Use any mathematical curriculum Probability, Estimation Mathematical operations

20 Making a game Construction of a game provides almost as many rich mathematical opportunities as playing a game. It provides opportunities to ask questions analyse situations hypothesize plan and predict grasp the Mathematical concept behind more deeply to extend, challenge and enhance learning

21 Some strategies Note the traditions Oral – listening, watching, doing
Individualised Group work Material objects

22 Role of the teacher Use games
Make a consideration for Informal learning experiences Student’s prior knowledge Shapes, Objects , Number and Measurement Collegial Approach Develop natural strengths Sports, Fishing, tools, music arts, artefacts and dance Ease the tension

23 Watch

24 Readings: Barta, J., & Schaelling, D. (1998). Games we play: connecting mathematics and culture in the classroom. Teaching Children Mathematics, 4(7), Retrieved from Goos, M., Stillman, G., & Vale, C. (2007). Teaching secondary school mathematics: Research and practice for the 21st century. Allen & Unwin. (Chapter 14) Perso, T. (2003). Improving Aboriginal numeracy. Australian Association of Mathematics Teachers: Adelaide.

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